- 国际棋盘上马的周游问题,该问题描述了国际象棋棋盘上的一只马,恰好走过除起点外的其它位置各一次,最后回到起点。这条路线称为一条马的Hamilton 周游路线-Launched an international board of the travel issue that describes the chess board on a horse, just walked outside the other locations except the starting point of all time
- 跳马的回溯算法(8*8 的国际象棋棋盘上的一只马,恰好走过除起点外的其它63 个位置各一次,最后回 到起点。这条路线称为一条马的Hamilton 周游路线。对于给定的m*n 的国际象棋棋盘,m和n均为大于5 的偶数,且|m-n|≤2,该算法找出一条马的Hamilton周游路线。--Vault of the backtracking algorithm (8* 8 chess board on a horse, just walk outside except from the other 63
- 象棋马的哈密顿回路算法代码,分治递归的方法。当m n<24时结果正确。这是重新上传,上一次工程中疏漏没有包含源码。-Hamilton horse chess circuit algorithm code, recursive partition method. When mn < 24 hours was correct. This is a re-upload, the last project oversight does not include source code.
- the univariate Hamilton model on GDP, using msvarsetup instead of the in the RATS