- 求解数独小游戏 jre需要含swt.jar 详见压缩包说明-Solving Sudoku game jre necessary packets containing compressed swt.jar see note
- 这是一个简单的Java仿雷电游戏(源码见包内),共设置有三关三个小BOSS。采用有GreenJVM发布,因此可以运行在未装载JRE的Windows系统之上。 -This is a simple imitation of Java Lightning games (see the package source), there are three barriers were set up three small BOSS. Adopt GreenJVM release, so you can run
- This is simulation of classic 15 tile puzzle problem solver. It has capability to solve the problem using artificial intelligent techniques of depth first search and A-star search. This project is completely done in netbeans for running game requ
- 关于java的连连看游戏源代码,运行环境(JRE 1.5或以上版本)。-Lianliankan game on java source code, runtime environment (JRE 1.5 or later).
- 俄罗方块课程设计 一个网络俄罗斯方块的游戏,玩家可以在网络的任何地方互相对战。运行这个应用程序,需要安装JRE(Java Runtime environment,java运行 环境),资源文件包括-java programming game series three guiding use a network of 57 games, Players can network anywhere mutual war. Note : to run this application, need t
- 经典版梦幻西游的资源文件读取工具WasTools的最后一个版本,用Java编写,运行时需要JRE。-The resource tool for the classical online game--menghuanxiyou.It was programming by java,JRE is required before running.
- Java数字签名,当然每个客户端还是需要安装JRE的,不过现在的浏览器安装时都已经自动安装了-Digital Signature Java, of course, each client will still need to install the JRE. But now the browser already installed in the automatic installation
- 1、保证你的java是1.4.2或更高,设置了必要的jre classpath,能运行“java HelloWorld”。 2、运行run1.bat或run2.bat 3、联系方式:acerge@163.com, QQ:554653408 操作: 1、Setting,选择对战方式。如果选择“网络对战”,进入“2”,否则,进入“3”。 2、connect,只在“网络对战”第一盘是需要。 3、set rule,设置计时规则。 4、start,开始下棋。