- “国产凌凌發(008)” 3D 系列游戏 本软件基于微软VC 6.0(MFC)为开发工具,运用了3D STATE最新的图形 引擎3D STATE engine API Version 6.0和声效引擎FireMOD(FMOD) 3.32。 具有艺术级的画面质量和动感的声音效果,能够设计出功能强大、娱乐性较 高的3D游戏来。同时本软件为开源软件,可到作者主页自由下载源代码。-"homemade Lingling made (008),&q
- 是一个贪食蛇的游戏,用windows里的绘图函数编写,不是mfc开发的,是windows开发,里面有一些基本的游戏编程技术,所以值得一下 -snake is a game, using windows in the preparation of graphics functions, not mfc development is the development of windows, there are some basic game programming techniques, it i
- 自己写的一个连连看,用MFC VC6.0写的,主要是实现MFC下对图形的处理和CPU资源占用的测试,-Write a Lianliankan their own, using MFC VC6.0 to write, mainly to achieve under MFC graphics processing and CPU resources in occupied test,
- 用到,,MFC ,GUI,实现一类过关类的小游戏,,对图形进行处理,-Used,, MFC, GUI, pass the class a class of small game, the graphics processing,
- 最近几天学MFC,感觉蛮有兴趣。想起以前自己在星期天编了个图形时钟,不是MFC编的,Windows api 函数的使用。正在策划Windows自带的扫雷游戏。 -Studies in recent days MFC, feeling quite the interest. Think of themselves before the clock on Sunday morning train graphics, not MFC compiled, Windows api function to
- 坦克游戏的局域网对战C++版,包括游戏代码和地图编辑器代码,游戏采用同步TCP通讯方式,封装directdraw绘制图形,简单的UI,类似魔兽争霸的局域网建主加入,地图编辑器采用MFC编写,代码尽量采用面向对象方式编程,但也有不足之处-Battle Tank LAN version of the game, using synchronous TCP communications, packaging directdraw to draw graphics, simple UI, similar
- 该程序为游戏编程的基本功能,GDI程序设计,可载入载出图片,形成动画的效果,基于单文档程序设计,基于MFC框架,开发2维图形动画效果-The program' s basic functionality for the game programming, GDI programming, set a picture can be loaded form of animation, based on the single programming document, based on the
- This a program in visual c++ using the MFC libraries. It makes basic 2D figures. Part of it is set in Spanish but most of it is in English and is completely understandable. It uses classes to create the figures and set them in the view file. -This is
- 用VC编写的贪吃蛇游戏。界面很好,没怎么调用API或者使用MFC主要是借用第三方graphics库-tanchisheyouxi,henhaowan,xiazaixiakaikankan
- 摘要:VC/C++源码,游戏编程,贪吃蛇源码,数组标记 MFC贪吃蛇源码--非链表--采用数组标记方式实现,将绘图与逻辑实现独立。CSnake为标准C++代码,可单独提取出来对界面进行更换。-Abstract: VC/C++ source, game programming, Snake source array mark MFC Snake source- the non linked list- array tag implementation, the graphics and l
- 基于MFC实现的一个心理测试软件。在屏幕上先后显示标有不同数字的图形,让用户按照一定规则点击。记录用户的点击时间和次序,以此测试用户的反应时间和辨识能力-MFC to achieve a psychological test based software. Successively displayed on the screen marked with different digital graphics, allowing users to follow certain rules click
- 使用MFC做的1945打飞机小游戏,其中每个类的封装性很好,对初学C++和使用MFC进行界面绘图的程序员有很大的帮助。-Use MFC to do 1945 dozen small plane game, where each class encapsulation is very good, for beginners c++ and the use of MFC interface graphics programmer has a lot of help.