- 还是我初学VC时编的小游戏 是用键盘控制板的方向来反弹每个小球 有任何一个小球落地就失败了 还是很简单 类似于手机里经常有的那个反弹球游戏 不过似乎比那个要简单一点-beginner or addendum to the VC when the game is small keyboard control panel to rebound in the direction of each ball with a minor the ball landed on the failure is st
- Motoko it s a 2D library to handle the graphical user interface of the game. It supports the basic controls of the windows GUI look like: PictureBox, TextBox, ListBox, LabelBox, ControlListBox, ComboBox, Button, CheckButton, Dialog, panel, HScrollBar
- 制作模拟钢琴的实例。程序执行后,创建一个带有模拟钢琴键盘的面板,用户可以通过键盘或者鼠标来“敲击”钢琴键盘发出声音,也可以通过电脑键盘的组合键实现钢琴的高音。-piano production simulation examples. After the procedures, the creation of a piano keyboard with the simulation panel, the user can mouse or keyboard to "percussion
- 制作烟花,执行本例实例后,用鼠标点击浏览器中的面板,将出现五彩缤纷的烟花效果。-produce fireworks, the implementation of the cases example, and click the browser's panel, there will be colorful fireworks effects.
- 小球打砖块游戏,小球在界面内弹跳,主要是通过按键盘上光标左右控制键控制板的左右移动,使小球落下遇到挡板反弹,避免球落下并让球打到砖块,砖块被击中后会消失,同时得相应分数,当砖块全部被打完后赢得游戏,游戏结束。 若没打完之前,小球掉下没有被板接住则输掉游戏,游戏结束。 -Arkanoid game ball, bouncing ball inside the interface, mainly by pressing left and right cursor control keys o
- 一位网友问我帮忙把STW*上X私服的logo去掉,我就脱了一下发出来。 需要建服的朋友可以下了自己DIY,加上自己网站的链接吧。 别说不会改,随便找个C32或者xnR就可以改了。 0.32版本的石器面板修改源码-0.32 version of the stone panel modify the source codes
- 拼图游戏 就是拼图,大家估计都玩过那种平板的那种左右移动,然后,拼好一副图的那种.-Jigsaw puzzle is the puzzle, everyone played the kind of flat-panel estimates are about the kind of move, then a plan to fight the kind of good.
- 石器修改面板的拖壳源码 STW*上X私服的logo去掉,我就脱了一下发出来。 需要建服的朋友可以下了自己DIY,加上自己网站的链接吧。-Modify the panel drag stone shell source
- 传智播客版的俄罗斯方块,附带有游戏控制面板,可以设置游戏的各种功能,包括暂停等等。。。可供java新手学习-Chuan-Chi podcast version of the Russian box, comes with the game control panel, you can set the game' s various functions, including suspension and so on. . . Available for novice to learn jav
- this the code of a business strategy game, the basic panel part it runs on using java netbeens -this is the code of a business strategy game, the basic panel part it runs on using java netbeens
- 自学JAVA不久,第一次自己编小程序。在家摸索了三天才完成。 * 对于如何选择合适类还没有经验,这里直接在JFrame上设计paint()方法将所有内容绘制。没有掌握面向对象编程还- -! * 建模上借鉴了小时候玩的那中手柄游戏,将主面板划分为12*20的小格;后来为了设计碰撞,又改为14*21,绘制部分仍为12*20。(两侧与底部为边界) * 这些格子的信息用一个二维数组存储,数组中每个元素用0,1来表示是否被绘制成黑色。paint()方法中将值为1的格子绘制成黑色,0
- 一款小游戏初学者联系编程熟练掌握控件面板可以用熟练自己技巧 -Beginners to contact a game master control panel can be programmed with their own skills proficiency
- 以JDK实现俄罗斯方块游戏,支持界面风格转化,面板颜色变化,有背景音乐,音乐与游戏进程同步,音乐部分由Java Media FrameWork实现,均有源码。-Tetris game with JDK implementation, support interface style transformation, panel color change, the background music, music and games process synchronization, music and
- ragnarok CP using for apache and IIS
- 界面很独特的VC俄罗斯方块源代码,卡通风格的背景和方块,玩法和其它的俄罗斯方块一个样,用键盘也可以控制,不过本俄罗斯广场从功能上来说仅实现的是基本的,没有设置面板等辅助功能。 -VC interface is very unique Tetris source code, cartoon-style background and box, play Tetris and other a-like, can also be controlled with the keyboard, but t
- 本程序设计为人与人对弈,双方有一方五子连成一线即为赢。 设计一游戏变量(3到9之间),用来控制显示面板的大小,即用户可选择生成3×3到9×9的棋盘。-This design program for people, both parties have the right to link a gleam of them is either win. Design a game between the variables (3 to 9) to control panel displa
- 本程序用C++编程语言实现了Windows控制台下俄罗斯方块这一游戏。用户进入游戏主界面后,经由键盘输入,可以控制游戏进程。 其特色在于,以模块化的结构,多文件的实现程序的功能。整个程序的终极目标——“俄罗斯方块”的功能,被拆分成了包括主函数在内的13个函数模块。整个项目由4个.CPP文件和6个.h头文件组成(其中有4个文件是External Dependencies),共583行。 -The program in C++ programming language to implemen
- 趣味碰碰球,球在封闭的方框内滚动,碰到四周的方框后自由反弹-ball panel
- FallenGears Server Control panel,游戏服务端启动工具-FallenGears Server Control panel, start the game server tool
- Darst panel. implementation dart games, written with the help of ofmf input data collected through the parallel port of the microcontroller