- JTans is a Java version of Tangram, an ancient Chinese puzzle. The object is to put 7 geometric shapes together to form a given outline.-JTans is a Java version of Tangram. an ancient Chinese puzzle. The object is to put seven geometric shapes togeth
- C#七巧板-C#创建菱形图案,其间使用了进程,示例适用于 Windows 窗体,它需要 PaintEventArgse,一个 OnPaint 事件对象。代码执行下列操作: 创建两个路径:一个为头朝上的三角形,另一个为头朝下的三角形。将第二个路径添加到第一个路径上。将最终的路径绘制到屏幕。 设置控件样式为双缓冲,可以有效减少图片闪烁的问题-Tangram-C# C# to create a diamond pattern, during which the use of th