- 一个跟踪鼠标位置并且把位置输出到屏幕的例子--A example which tracks mouse`s position and outputs it to screen
- 简单赛车只有很基本的功能就是有几个赛道车子来了小车就闪开-Simple car only a very basic functionality is there are several tracks on the car to the car get out of the way
- 国外电脑狂人大作!3D美女演示动画,在结尾处会出现一段字幕,说明动画所包含的内容,如178兆多媒体纹理、159MB的wave文件、12条音轨、8亿5千万波样等。按WIN 退出-Daisaku foreign lunatics computer! Beautiful demonstration of 3D animation, at the end of a section title will appear on animated content, such as 178 megabytes o
- 太阳系运行,包括太阳,地球以及月亮,并且在各自轨道运行-Solar system operation, including the sun, the earth and the moon, and run in their tracks
- Rail transport is a means of conveyance of passengers and goods on wheeled vehicles running on rails, also known as tracks. It is also commonly referred to as train transport. In contrast to road transport, where vehicles run on a prepared flat surfa
- 弱者普遍易怒如虎,而且容易暴怒。强者通常平静如水,并且相对平和。一个内心不强大的人,自然内心不够平静。内心不平静的人,处处是风浪。再小的事,都会被无限放大。一个内心不强大的人,心中永远缺乏安全感(Anti Tracks is a complete solution to protect your privacy and enhance your PC performance. With a simple click Anti Tracks securely erase your internet