- 源码为机器码,经过反汇编是汇编语言,功能是一段3D游戏的过场及音乐。是一届程序设计大赛的作品。应该有助于理解汇编指令。-Source for the binary, after the compilation is a compilation of anti-language, feature is the cross section of 3D games and music games. Design Competition is the next procedure works. Shou
- 这是一个3D防御游戏(包括所有源代码)。 它像原来的“导弹司令部”和它的克隆,在比赛中你用它来摧毁的冲击反洲际弹道导弹武器控制导弹(及其他脏东西)。-This is a 3D defense game (including all source code). It is like the original "Missile Command" and its clones, in the game you use it to destroy the impact of anti-inter