- Application & Integration Services are at the heart of any Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Sun Java System Application Server and integration services provide a highly scalable and reliable platform for the standards-based deployment of Java app
- CroftSoft Code Library是一个开源的可移植的纯Java游戏库,提供了样例游戏,基于Swing的脚本动画引擎,部署框架,防火墙通道联网包,以及工具类。-CroftSoft Code Library is an open source of transplants for pure Java games, the sample games, the scr ipt based on Swing animation engine, deployment framework, fir
- 本游戏可通过两个玩家在线进行射击,被射中者血生命血条会减少。部署时,将电脑主机做为服务器,真机做为客户端-This game can be conducted online by two players shooting, was shot in the section of blood will reduce the life blood. Deployment, the host computer as a server, a real machine as a client
- 一个吃豆豆的小游戏: 在完成面向对象、Swing、线程的课程后,可以开始练习本项目的部署安排。安排本练习的主要目的理解面向对象、能够用面向对象的思路去思考问题,结合Swing和现成的知识完成本项目。 -Eat Peas a little game: the complete object-oriented, Swing, threads of course, can begin to practice the deployment of the project arrangements.
- Ludo game full deployment solution with documents and all source code