- 这是一个仿真导弹试验模拟系统。在工程设计领域,设计人员可以利用可视化技术提早发现设计的缺陷,从而改进设计方案。-this is a missile simulator .in engineering design, the designer can find its defects and improve their design whith the assist of visual design techlog.
- 运行于j2me上的泡泡龙游戏。[工程环境:jBuilder jdk:wtk2.2]-run on J2ME on the hardcore games. [Engineering environment : jBuilder jdk : wtk2.2]
- 单片机实现的俄罗斯方块程序,C代码 //本压缩包包含完整的Keil工程和Proteus仿真文件, //如果你装有Proteus6.5,可以解压后直接运行Lcd-6963256-2.DNS,然后点击播放键|>运行, //用鼠标在串口点击一下就可以用电脑的键盘控制了-MCU Russian squares procedures, C code / / compression of the packet contains the complete Proteus Keil engin
- symbian版本的打砖块,适合初学者学习, 工程资源文件齐全。-symbian version of the Dazhuankuai, for beginners learning, engineering resources were well documented.
- 这是一个基于AStar算法,用于四国军旗中的工兵搜索!(以前这一块是单独写的,后来又加到的主程序中的,但那份不知道放到哪里去了,只好从主程序中再把这部分挖出来,希望大家谅解)-This is an algorithm based AStar, Four flag for the engineering Search! (previously it is a separate written, and subsequently were added to the main program. lea
- 本章只介绍了误差的基本概念和数值计算的若干原则,这对处理数值计算问题是必需的,但是仅这些还远远不能解决工程和科学计算中更为复杂的误差分析问题,还需专门分门别类地进行研究。-chapter on the error only the basic concept and numerical calculation of certain principles, which deal with numerical calculation is necessary, but they are far fr
- This projects focus on writing a simple lightweight C++ software development kit for the game "Mass Effect 2" from BioWare. No scr ipting or native development kit have been provided, so this project is based on information gathered from reverse engi
- 基于塔防游戏开发的软件工程课设的需求文档。-Tower defense game based on the development of software engineering course design requirements document.
- 一款比较好的五子棋游戏,可以单机版也可以两台机子对战,有详细的设计报告,报告可行性分析,详细分析,需求分析,逻辑设计分析,软件工程的好材料-A good backgammon game, can also be two stand-alone machine gaming, with detailed design report, feasibility analysis, detailed analysis, requirements analysis, logical design and
- 985工程高校西北工业大学程序设计大赛作品 拿出来与大家分享 支持鼠标的通讯录文档.doc-985 Engineering College of Northwestern Polytechnical University Programming Competition works out to share with you the documentation to support the mouse address book. Doc
- 985工程高校西北工业大学程序设计大赛作品 拿出来与大家分享 *****兔子游戏-985 engineering colleges and universities Northwestern Polytechnical University Programming Competition works out to share with you the game Rabbit*****
- 985工程高校西北工业大学程序设计大赛作品 拿出来与大家分享 喜之郎CC队 作品简介:在开始运行该程序时,会出现两个动画人物的脸,按任意键 后这两个脸会来回相撞5次,(在这5次期间会有相应的文字 和图形输出,比如:会有旋转时针控制时间的延迟...)。完 了后,会输出一行提示信息:按回车键,这两个脸会做三个 逆时针360度的旋转,按ESC键,会退出该程序,按任意键, 他们会再次相撞。-985 engineering colleges and universities Northwest
- 985工程高校西北工业大学程序设计大赛作品 拿出来与大家分 c语言编的一个叫色扮演游戏-985 Engineering College of Northwestern Polytechnical University Programming Competition works out with you at c language series called color-playing game
- 985工程高校西北工业大学程序设计大赛作品 拿出来与大家分享 游戏背景: 两只可爱的小兔子[** 和 /**]幸福的生活在一片草地上。突然有一天-985 Engineering College of Northwestern Polytechnical University Programming Competition works out to share with you the background of the game: two lovely little rabbit
- A "code-what"? Unless you have spent some time working in the area of reverse engineering, chances are you have not heard of the term "codecave" before. If you have heard of it, you might not have read a clear definition of it or quite understand wha
- 我读工程硕士的时候写的第一个作业,5子棋人机对战,代码清晰易懂,不知你能否战胜它1-Master of Engineering I read when written in the first operation, 5 sub-machine war game, code clear and understandable, I wonder if you can overcome it 1
- 软件工程实践课程的答案哦,源码全部有的,快乐下载吧-Software Engineering Practice course the answer to Oh, the source of all others, happy to download it
- 中国象棋游戏+源代码,本游戏实现了较强的人工智能.而且游戏界面非常华丽. 资源中包括完整的VC++源代码,和工程文件.-Chinese chess game+ source code, the game has a strong artificial intelligence. And the game interface is very beautiful. Resources including the complete VC++ source code, and engineering
- systems E-Books Visual C++ Books Java Books Delphi-C++Builder software engineering Certification book Other Books Document software engineering File Formats Project Manage Development Research IT Hero Communication Proj
- 关于游戏设计的相关书目整理集合,以及相关算法介绍与思路。-Sum of books about game engineering.