- 天堂服务端模拟程序 需要MYSQL的相关头文件,否则无法编译。 -paradise server simulation program needs MYSQL of header files, not compiled.
- 调试环境为TC2.0或者TC3.0。运行这个程序需要tc提供的几个头文件。建议修改options菜单中的include目录项到tc的include的目录下(具体方法可以参见本书第一章的讲解);或者把源程序拷贝到tc目录下运行。-debugging environment or TC3.0 WITH TC 2.0. This process needs to run for the tc several header files. Proposed changes to the options m
- <frameset rows=\"50,*\" framespacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" frameborder=\"0\"> <frame name=\"header\" scrolling=\"no\" noresize target=\"main\" src=\"upload_header.htm\"> <frame name=\"main\" src=\"upload.asp\"> <noframes
- 一款打斗游戏源码,采用tc2.0编写,其中已包括所有头文件.-fighting game one source, using tc2.0 preparation, which has included all the header files.
- Directx8.1的头文件和库。进行directx编程必备的东西。无密码,解压后可以直接加入工程或#import进去-Directx8.1 the header files and libraries. DirectX programming for essential things. No password can be unpacked or direct entry into the project into the # import
- header for k-DOP implementation,header for k-DOP implementation
- MFC开发的斗地主游戏代码,包括cpp文件和头文件。-Landlords MFC developed game code, including the cpp and header files.
- 鼠标操作,点击两个相同的图案,如果存在不超过两个拐角的通路就可以消去 有时间限制,时间到则该局挑战失败,消去一次则时间会回退一格 F5: 提示 F6: 生命(重新布局)-This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your llk application. llk.dsp This file (the project file) co
- 一个简单五子棋的源代码,用到了graphics头文件,适合C语言初学者学习。-Gobang a simple source code, header files used in the graphics, suitable for beginners to learn C language.
- C语言实现射击游戏,含有BMP位图显示。调试环境为TC2.0或者TC3.0。运行这个程序需要tc提供的几个头文件。建议修改options菜单中的include目录项到tc的include的目录下(具体方法可以参见本书第一章的讲解);或者把源程序拷贝到tc目录下运行。-C language realization of shooting game, containing BMP bitmap display. TC2.0 or debugging environment TC3.0. Tc nee
- All the source and header files as well as resources needed to compile Direct Play Chat (DPChat) program.
- These are my drawing functions. Very bad, but ppl may use it. You have to make the header file on your own. It s not too hard! Make a class, or namespace. Or just remove all D3D:: from the functions :) Hope you like it :D
- This a game. the game is batteleships. The source code is in C++. You can easily compile it in dev c++ by searching for graphics.h header file for dev c++ on google.-This is a game. the game is batteleships. The source code is in C++. You can easily
- MFC开发的单机版中国象棋游戏源代码,包括可执行程序,工作区文件和必要的源文件、头文件。-MFC development of stand-alone version of Chinese chess game source code, including executable programs, work area and the necessary source files, header files.
- Show PE Header in hd
- 炸弹超人吧,qq堂编程 两个人碗的,A控制WASD空格,B控制光标键和回车 命数,关的风格自己在文件头自己搞定;可以吃的道具由种分别加威力和雷数(最多8个)--简单的16色游戏-Zhatanchaoren it, qq two bowls hall programming, A control WASD space, B control the cursor keys and Enter order number, style of relating to their own butt
- 自己编写的俄罗斯方块程序。 只使用了windows.h文件头。 使用GDI绘图,没有使用任何框架包括MFC。-I wrote this little Russian block game. Only used the windows.h header. Used GDI drawing, did not use any framework, including MFC.
- 调试环境为TC2.0或者TC3.0。运行这个程序需要tc提供的几个头文件。建议修改options菜单中的include目录项到tc的include的目录下(具体方法可以参见本书第一章的讲解);或者把源程序拷贝到tc目录下运行。-Debugging environment TC2.0 or TC3.0. Tc run the program needs to provide a few header files. Proposed changes include options menu item
- 3DS文件读取程序,对新手有很好的参考价值,在我本地编译通过,为了节约空间删掉了项目文件,下载后须建个项目,导入源文件和头文件可编译。-3DS file read program, the novice is a good reference value, in my local compile, in order to save space to delete the project file, download to build a project, import the source fi
- 又一个贪吃蛇i游戏的源码,虽然每一款贪吃蛇的玩法都相同,但是编程的算法却不同,本贪吃蛇有要是应用到VC++的循环队列和简单链表原理实现的,用键盘上的W/A/S/D键分别控制蛇身移动,越接越长,在游戏开始前,蛇身、食物数量可以自己设置,提醒一下,这个游戏需要你的视力特别好哦,要不然看不清楚的。-======================================================================== MICROSOFT FOUNDATION