- Sudoku for easy level program code written in C using TurboC++ on windowsXP. The program has the problem set stated inside the code, change that part of code for another problem.
- 这是一个用c语言编写的小游戏——兔子过河,有着较为华丽的图形界面,和完善的功能,包含暂停、继续、设置难度等级、查看排行榜、查看游戏说明等功能。-This is a language with a small c game- rabbit across the river, with more gorgeous graphical interface, and improved features, including pause, resume, set the difficulty level,
- 虽然C + +中,往往是从游戏编程主要的商业应用软件的首选语言,它也是最难以掌握。这个严肃的书,您将学习如何征服最新版本的C + +。笔者解密鲜为人知的特征的C ++,股份详细的代码示例,然后你可以插入自己的代码,并揭示了显着变化的C ++陪最新版本。你会发现如何设计和构建应用程序,解决现实世界的问题,然后实施解决方案,使用的语言的全部功能。 呼吁有经验的开发人员正在寻找更高层次的学习 向下钻取到最新的广泛变化的C ++标准,C + ++11,包括运行时的性能,标准库,语言可用性,
- 这是一个用c语言编写的小游戏——兔子过河,有着较为华丽的图形界面,和完善的功能,包含暂停、继续、设置难度等级、查看排行榜、查看游戏说明等功能。-This is a language with a small c game- rabbit across the river, with more gorgeous graphical interface, and improved features, including pause, resume, set the difficulty level,
- 这是一个用c语言编写的小游戏——兔子过河,有着较为华丽的图形界面,和完善的功能,包含暂停、继续、设置难度等级、查看排行榜、查看游戏说明等功能。-This is a language with a small c game- rabbit across the river, with more gorgeous graphical interface, and improved features, including pause, resume, set the difficulty level,
- 贪吃蛇经常玩的灵敏度还可以有关卡设置采用c++编写(The sensitivity of snake to play often can also be set up by level. It is written by c++.)