- 自动扫雷机 v1.0 1.双语版(中文,英文),能自动检测操作系统版本和语言,采用相应的界面和扫雷规则 2.可以自动完成扫雷过程, 在Athlon 1G上的最好成绩为: 初级:1秒 中级:1秒 高级:2秒 3.可以控制扫雷窗口的时钟的快慢,甚至停止 缺点:人工智能推理部分做得不是很理想,希望大家能帮忙改善.-automatic machine v1.0 a mine. Copies of the bilingual (Chinese and English), Automatic detecti
- 用汇编语言或高级语言编写的源程序翻译成机器可执行的机器语言程序的工具称为“语言处理程序.-using assembly language or high-level language source code prepared by the machine translated into executable machine language program as a tool "Language processing.
- 网络游戏“水果机”例程详解 书籍语言: 简体中文 书籍类型: 程序设计 授权方式: 免费软件 书籍大小: 545 KB -online game "fruit machine" routines Elaborates on books Language : English books categories : program design license : free software books Size
- 特别提示: 不要使用TC编译,因为TC最多只能编译2000行,而本程序有2500行,推荐使用工具Win-Tc。 程序写的比较仓促,bug很多在所难免,还望大家批评指正。 真诚的希望能和大家相互交流,共同提高。 去年暑假,本人闲来无聊写了一个C语言图形模式下的五子棋游戏,有如下功能: 1.使用鼠标控制 2.能够实现人机对战,并判断胜负 3.能够保存棋局和玩家所走的每一步,并且可以按步骤还原棋局 4.玩家能够悔棋、和棋、认输 5.保存每一个玩家的分数到一个文件中
- 一个用C语言编写的小游戏—五子棋。他具有一切五子棋的功能,能对战,人机大战,比较有意思。-a C language prepared by the small game - 331. He had 331 all functions, the screen can, man-machine war, more interesting.
- 一种电脑上面的模拟器软件。用于LAVA语言编写的游戏,工具,LAVA语言。是北京金远见旗下文曲星设备的电子学习机上面通用的语言,已其方便,简单,易移植,跨平台的特点,深受大众喜爱。-Above, a computer simulator software. LAVA language for games, tools, LAVA language. Wenquxing gold in Beijing s vision of electronic equipment above the commo
- 模仿水果博彩的*易语言完整源代码,可以怀念一-Imitation fruit slot machine gambling full source code easy language, you can remember about the next
- 在VC6.0环境下实现的扫雷游戏代码,C语言上机实验内容-VC6.0 environment to achieve the de-mining game code, C language experiment content on the machine
- c#语言写的五子棋程序,实现了双人对战和人机对战-c# language written Gobang procedures, achieved a double battle and the war machine
- 一个用c语言写的五子棋游戏,有界面,实现人机对战。用Win-tc开发-A written language using c Gobang the game, there are interfaces, the realization of man-machine war. Win-tc with the development of
- 启程-精灵的密语 完整服务端 本人编译测试可运行客户端可用AruaROSE的客户端登陆器需要自己做,可用下面的链接创建快捷方式来运行客户端 E:\AruaROSE\TRose.exe TRose.exe @TRIGGER_SOFT@ _server on journey-spirit of airtight language complete service carries I edit and translate a test to circulate cust
- BlitzzEngine is an ongoing project to create a basic, yet effective engine for developing 2D action games, aimed specifically at platform games. High performance is a key goal of this engine, as the target low-end machine is a 500mhz x86 processor wi
- 利用C语言编写贪吃蛇游戏,可以嵌入到手机当中,丰富了我们的生活-Use C language to compile and compose edacious snake game , can implant the life having enriched us in one s hands among machine
- 用 java语言开发的一个中国象棋游戏,只是两人对战的,没有人机对战-Using java language developed by a Chinese chess game, only two Versus, no Man-Machine Battle
- 这是一个五子棋的C语言开发的游戏。该游戏不支持人机对战,只能人与人对战。运行程序时有游戏接受。-This is a backgammon game C-language development. The game does not support the man-machine gaming, people can only play against. To accept the game when running the program.
- 经典的俄罗斯方块,C语言开发,DOS虚拟机下运行-Classic Russia tetris,C language development, DOS virtual machine operation
- C语言开发的几款小游戏,DOS虚拟机下运行-C language development of several small games, DOS virtual machine operation
- This application comprises a market simulation game populated by artificially intelligent trading agents. Each agent is controlled by a virtual machine that executes a simple program based on a customized machine language. The programs may be randoml
- 一种掌上设备的学习源码。五字词的游戏源码,lava语言编写,支持文曲星旗下的几乎所有的学习机。语言,通俗,方便,易移植,跨平台。-One kind of handheld learning source. Five words of the game source code, lava language, supports almost all of its Wenquxing learning machine. Language, popular, convenient, easy to tr
- 用C语言编写的简单的银行ATM取款机系统,方便实用。-Bank ATM cash machine system with C language written in simple, convenient and practical.