- 用C语言编写的拼图游戏,程序预置好了路径,所以能够自动地拼好图像,最好在WIN-TC编译环境下运行,WIN-TC网上有下,由于显示器或显卡的原因在某些电脑上不能运行。-Using C language jigsaw puzzle, the program preset good path, it can automatically go good images, the best in the WIN-TC compiler environment to run, WIN-TC has onli
- 这个游戏的原名是《是男人就下一百层》,原来在文曲星上很流行,网上也有它的flash版本,我则将它用VC编写出来。 注:玩家可以更换pic文件夹中的图片,以获得自己希望的效果。-The original name of this game is Shi NanRen JiuXia YiBaiCeng, It was very popular in the Wen Quxing, it also has a flash version, I wrote it out with the VC.
- 游戏控制 W,A,S,D, P unit, pic, audio目录不可缺少 只用研究StillObject.cs Tank.cs GameForm.cs即可编程,非常简单 每一个类继承 LifeObject类 首先研究StillObject.cs 然后研究Tank.cs 其中重要的几点是 UnitID 表示物体对应的图片 放在pic目录下 Behave 每回合系统调用此函
- 截图 可以修改,可以开发,利用QQ的DScreenshots can be modified, can be developed using the QQ D-Screenshots can be modified, can be developed using the QQ DLL
- vc++传输图片可以选择保存磁盘或在界面显示vc++ to transfer pictures can choose to save disk or displayed in the interface-vc++ to transfer pictures can choose to save disk or displayed in the interface