- 回朔算法,马的周游问题:在n x n棋盘(有n x n个格点的棋盘)的某个格点上有一个中国象棋马,马走日字。求一条周游棋盘的路径,使得马能够从起始位置起沿着该路径每个格点恰好走一次最后回到出发位置。-Retrospective algorithm, horse around the problem: in the checkerboard are like (there are like a checkerboard grid points) of a grid, there is a Chin
- 最近流行一个Flash游戏,翻木块(本压缩文件里有)。本程序对简化了的翻木块游戏实现自动求解,用的是BFS算法,能求最少步数。-Recently a popular Flash game, turn pieces of wood (the zip file there). This procedure simplifies the translation of the block to solve the game automatically, using a BFS algorithm to
- 机器人避让障碍物的一个测试程序,主要关注的是算法本身,测试的时候只要点击设定里面的设置障碍物然后寻道即可。-Robot avoid obstacles a test procedure, the main concern is the algorithm itself, the test set when clicking inside the obstacle and then seek to set up.