- 一个不错的E语言准星源码,准星开源的并不多,给大家分享一下吧-A good point source, interior E language source is not much, to share
- 《圣剑英雄传II 双刃剑》是金点工作组推出的一款共享RPG。这个游戏和其他的游戏相比,有一个最为特别的地方,那就是游戏完全没有加密,开放一切资源:包括图片,音乐、音效,脚本等等等等。这就意味着,我们已经拥有了一个RPG的框架,只要加上我们自己的东西,一个属于我们自己的RPG就诞生了!金点工作组这样做是为了鼓励更多的人加入游戏制作的行列,他们也非常欢迎大家通过修改他们的《圣II》来制作自己的RPG。对游戏初学者来说,这个最适合不过。(附源码和文档)- SAYYAF Heroes II double
- 初学VC++两个月写的五子棋附上源码,看上去还不错,可以设置难度,改悔棋等,不过运行时候发觉有些顿,不知何故,希望高手指点,也希望能对和我一样菜的新手一点启发。-VC++ for two months learning to write the source code attached Gobang, looks good, you can set the difficulty to悔棋and so on, but found time to run some of Dayton, I do n
- VC++ 写的21点游戏 附带源码 供大家交流学习-VC++ to write the 21-point game with source code for all to share their knowledge
- 又一个贪吃蛇i游戏的源码,虽然每一款贪吃蛇的玩法都相同,但是编程的算法却不同,本贪吃蛇有要是应用到VC++的循环队列和简单链表原理实现的,用键盘上的W/A/S/D键分别控制蛇身移动,越接越长,在游戏开始前,蛇身、食物数量可以自己设置,提醒一下,这个游戏需要你的视力特别好哦,要不然看不清楚的。-======================================================================== MICROSOFT FOUNDATION
- 游戏24点大家都知道,这个就是将它用VC编出来供大家分享-24-point game we all know, this is it compiled with VC out for everyone to share
- 编写的一个21点游戏,分享给大家,比较完整的代码-Preparation of a 21-point game for everyone to share, more complete code
- 五子棋游戏的visual c++源代码,是较为经典的学习代码。-ppWizard has created this FiveChess application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.
- Othello是一款用于学习visual c++的编程游戏,有利于提升学习兴趣。-AppWizard has created this Othello application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your applicatio
- 连连看是一款简单易懂的游戏,该游戏采用visual c++编写,对游戏感兴趣的爱好者值得一看-AppWizard has created this llk application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your applicat
- 贪吃蛇一一款很经典的游戏,该游戏代码采用visual c++编写,编程爱好者可以从中找到编程的规范和过程-AppWizard has created this Snake application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your
- 俄罗斯方块是一款简单,容易上手,但是很经典的游戏,该游戏采用visual c++编写,值得一看-AppWizard has created this Tetris application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your appl
- 基于c语言设计出的24点小游戏,玩法同普通游戏类似,分享给编程爱好者们共同使用-C language design based on a 24-point game, play the same game like ordinary share to the common use of programming enthusiasts
- This class is designed to act as the entry point of handling the share intent via BT other APPs.-This class is designed to act as the entry point of handling the share intent via BT other APPs.
- QuizApp is a Quiz Program with Timer. This one of the Best VBNET Quiz Apps out there. Users will be able to add their Name, Age and simply Start the Quiz. After the Quiz is done they will see their Total Point and told if they Passed the Quiz Te
- VC++编写的射击游戏源码。 设置: 1.子弹数量 2.游戏按 时间,子弹数,飞盘数 3.飞盘速度 4.游戏背景- MICROSOFT FOUNDATION CLASS LIBRARY : Shoot