- QQ桌球小辅助工具。这不算外挂,只是一把半透明的尺子,量着打。 演示视频http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjk2NTYxMTQ0.html-QQ Pool small aids. This is not a plug, just a translucent ruler, the amount of play. Demo video http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjk2NTYxMTQ0.html
- Unity实现的第一人称射击的游戏demo. 视频可从youtube上找到。这里是源码。写得比较简单,但很实用。一看就懂。-This is the demo for FPS game. Anyone who want to watch the learning video can directly go to youtube to find that. It really helpful because you can use these simple code to program your