- 网页自动操作示例程序,通过程序自动判断网页的内容,然后对网页进行操作,例子实现的是一个古老的网页游戏的*功能-Page automatic sample application, through the program automatically determine the content of the page, and then operate on the page, example implementation is an old plug-function web games
- QQRobot主要用于实现 网站 和 QQ 之间的互动。 用户通过自己的QQ 实时接收来自网站的消息/内容,并且通过QQ向网站发布自己的内容。 以此加强网站服务的实时性,和提高用户对网站的粘着度。-QQRobot mainly used to implement the interaction between sites and QQ. QQ users in real time through their Web site to receive from the message/con
- 一个点阵字库的java实现,可以实现汉字的点阵显示。用的是Applet实现。可以嵌套在网页中使用,丰富网页的内容-A dot-matrix font java implementation, dot matrix display Chinese characters can be achieved. Achieved with the Applet. Can be nested in a web page using the rich content of the page
- 通过网页地址获取页面的内容,初学者学习资料-Through the Web address for the page content, learning materials for beginners
- 完整的httpxml方式网站内容抓取。所有数据保存在一个多位数组内。-Complete Web site content to crawl httpxml way. All data stored in an array with a number.
- 完整的httpxml方式网站内容抓取。所有数据保存在一个多位数组内。-Complete Web site content to crawl httpxml way. All data stored in an array with a number.
- 奇迹(MU)通用登陆器 适用于私服站长配置后给玩家下载使用. 其中在设置中ip加了密,端口文件放在WEB服务器器上,只需设置 web文件地址即可(地址也加了密)例如:端口文件是 http://www.1234.com/dk/123.txt (当然也可以是*.ini或*.dat或*.*) (那么你以后更改端口只需更改123.txt里面 1.你编译的主程序文件 (名字由你随便改) 2.ckh.exe (窗口化工具,我们要调用的)提示:窗口化工具不用理它,都可以在登陆器设置,但不用关闭它.... 3.
Game Engine Toolset Development
- Toolset development is an extremely broad topic. Game Engine Toolset Development provides you with a core set of skills and a comprehensive insight that will aid you in the development of game engine utilities, significantly reducing the time period