- 游戏规则: 按w键是控制自己的飞机(天使)向上。 按S键向下,A键向左,D键向右,r键重来,e键退出 发弹:指着本程序介面按鼠标左键. 开始时:你的生命值只有3,而子弹数只有2 当你的子弹射到了敌人时,敌人的生命也会减一,当敌人的生命值减到0时,你就赢. 当你的子弹射到了敌人时,同时天上也会掉下一颗子弹,当你捡到一个子弹后,你的子弹数得到补充; 如你的子弹数减至0或你的生命值减至0你就会输。 秘技: 按y键你的子弹数就加1; 按o键你的生命值就加1.
- c编写的游戏郑成功 小键盘1-9控制主船方向 其中5是开炮 或鼠标控制 F1背景音乐开关(默认开) 如果运行出错,请将显示器分辨率调到1024*768,色深调为32位真彩,并启用硬件加速-c prepared by Zheng Chenggong game 1-9 small keyboard to control the direction of the main vessel which is fired five or mouse control F1 backgrou
- 用VB写的打地鼠游戏的代码,可以用鼠标左右键加速敲打的速度。在画面左上方提供打击数提示。-VB was fighting to control the game code, you can use the mouse button to accelerate beating about the speed. The top left of the picture a few suggested combat.
- 射箭救小人的程序源码。通过鼠标控制方向和力度。-Archery program source code to save the villain. By mouse control direction and intensity.
- VSC++ 2005 X战机游戏 用鼠标控制 键盘控制也可! -VSC++ 2005 X fighter game with the mouse to control the keyboard can also be controlled!
- Basic Sprite Class Tutorial Control Sprite with Arrow Key and Mouse-Basic Sprite Class Tutorial Control Sprite with Arrow Key and Mouse
- The Crypt-免費 3D 第一人稱射擊遊戲,操作很簡單,用鍵盤的方向鍵控制人物的位置,滑鼠左鍵是射擊,滑鼠右鍵是跳躍-The Crypt-free 3D first person shooter, the operation is very simple, using the keyboard arrow keys to control the position of the characters, the left mouse button is the shooting, is jum
- 一款用VB编写的反应能力测试游戏,打靶射击,点击开始后窗口内会不断闪现靶子,你需要及时点击鼠标向靶子射击,当然越击中靶心得分就越高,因此用来测试反应能力还是不错的,另外,对于编程者来说,这个游戏能帮助我们理解VB使用随机数并控制图形的一些技巧,值得一看。-A test of the ability to respond to written in VB games, target shooting, window Click Start will continue to flash target
- 一个打飞机的战略类游戏,用鼠标和空格键来控制。是3D版的,绝对超级给力。-A dozen aircraft, strategy games, with the mouse and space bar to control. Is the 3D version, absolutely super to force.
- 在路径漫游的同时,可以通过晃动鼠标来控制摄像机,用法同apm-While roaming in the path, you can shake the mouse to control the camera usage with apm
- 一个简易的雷电游戏,可以用鼠标和键盘控制。-A simple lightning game, you can use the mouse and keyboard control.
- Java开发的坦克大战--缅怀FC时代 很早的时候FC上玩的坦克大战,果断山寨了一把。算是对曾经那段无忧无虑日子的缅怀。 游戏方法: 方向键控制坦克移动,鼠标点击开火。-Java developers Tankedaizhan- FC era nostalgia Very early to play Battle City FC, decisive cottage one. Carefree days were once regarded as the
- 通过鼠标控制瞄准的office射击游戏源码,简单易懂-Aiming with the mouse control office shooting game source code, easy to understand
- 一个经典的2D射击游戏——大战黑帮 你身为孤胆英雄,正只身与最大的黑帮搏斗。 尽一切努力,*尽可能多的敌人,以伸张正义! ASDW控制方向,鼠标左键射击,Space放技能,P键暂停,Esc退出 (删除data.dat以重置最高分) 基于EasyX平台,有关内容见www.easyx.cn Starsky(即为本人)出品 -A typical shooting game Fighting the Black Society You,the alone hero,is
- 一个最初版的飞行射击游戏,玩家是飞机,有许多NPC,有击毁效果以及积分.控制模式为鼠标滑动控制.-An initial version of the flight shooting game, the player is the aircraft, there are many NPC, there are wrecking effects and integral control mode for the mouse sliding control.