- Java通过socket+swing实现一个简单的网络版有声斗地主游戏。包括服务器和客户端代码。-Java socket implementation through a simple sound Landlords game. Including server and client code.
- 基于visual c++ 和 socket的五子棋,可联机.分为服务器和客户端两部分.-Based on visual c++ and socket of Gobang, available on-line. Server and the client is divided into two parts.
- VC 2005编写的网络五子棋源代码,包括服务器和客户机代码两部分,对学习VC界面编程和socket编程非常有用。-VC 2005 prepared by the network Gobang source code, including server and client code in two parts, for learning VC programming and socket programming interface very useful.
- 网络象棋对战系统,支持多人登录,分客户端和服务器端,采用Swing加套接字实现,代码简单易懂,适合学习JAVA的人使用-Chess combat system, support network DuoRen login, points the client and the server, the Swing and a socket, easy to understand and to realize the code for learning a JAVA people use
- 基于VC++ MFC开发的五子棋程序,分为客户端和服务器端,使用SOCKET编程,可以实现两机间的对战。-Based on VC++ MFC development of backgammon program, divided into client and server side, using the SOCKET programming, can be achieved between the two machines play against.