- 一个五子棋的MFC实现的源程序,此软件实现了windows下的棋类游戏五子棋的双人对战,可以达到电脑自动判断输赢,自动判别禁手并提示,实现了无限步的悔棋,能够在任意一方赢棋之后复盘,即再观看一遍下棋的全过程。-a renju the MFC source, This software under the windows of the chess game of the double renju war, computers can be achieved automatically judged
- 这个麻将是仿照台湾16张游戏,用MFC编写,图片和声音都是从原来游戏COPY 过来的了,里面已经包含全部源代码. 本游戏是玩家和电脑对玩,电脑AI还有一些Bug,不过还是有机会赢你的.-This is a replica of the Taiwan 16 Mahjong game, written in MFC, pictures and sounds are from the original game COPY Over, and which already contains
- 这是一个基于MFC单文档的俄罗斯方块游戏,玩家可以设置音乐,和方块大小.功能齐全.-This is a single document based on the MFC Tetris Game, the player can set the music, and the box size. Functions.
- 一个Windows下用MFC开发的基于文档-视图模型的五子棋游戏,实现了单人游戏和双人游戏,单人游戏用鼠标,双人游戏使用鼠标和键盘。-A Renju Game which is based on the Document-View Architechture of MFC under Windows. Play this game with mouse (single player) or mouse and keyboard (double players).