- 发现不用perlin noise随便找个位图读每点的像素的RGB,然后将R+B+G作为地形高度也可.我可以尽量将位图颜色过渡做的平缓些,出来的地形还是尖锐.-perlin noise found not arbitrarily find a bitmap read every point of the pixel RGB, then R B G as the terrain is available. I can try to color bitmap smooth transition don
- 一字棋游戏 该程序可实现人与计算机下棋的过程。根据人所下棋的位置,计算机通过学习与判断,来确定当前最优的下棋位置。-tic-tac-toe game Playing Rules: 1) X always goes first. 2) The Players alternate placing Xs and Os on the board until either (a) one player has four in a row horizontally, vertically