- 呵呵 程序在tc3.0下编译通过. 回车键 选关,我只做了两关, r键重新开始 p键悔步,只能悔五步啊.不过你可以 改#define STEPMAX的值 -Oh procedures under the tc3.0 compile. ENTER key election concern, I only had two clearance, Key reopen r p Key regret step, five-step can only r
- 简单的二十四点游戏,简单的c++实现,c++课程习题解答。当然,也可以用来作为学生自己玩的游戏,自娱自乐。只是可能太简单了。-Simple two two p.m. game, a simple c++ implementation, c++ programs exercises answer. Of course, the students themselves can also be used as play games, entertain. Just might be too simpl
- 游戏控制 W,A,S,D, P unit, pic, audio目录不可缺少 只用研究StillObject.cs Tank.cs GameForm.cs即可编程,非常简单 每一个类继承 LifeObject类 首先研究StillObject.cs 然后研究Tank.cs 其中重要的几点是 UnitID 表示物体对应的图片 放在pic目录下 Behave 每回合系统调用此函