- 精通DirectX 3D图形与动画程序设计 第11章 应用程序框架 245 11.1 生成一个Direct3D程序框架 245 11.2 使用Direct3D程序框架 247 11.3 Direct3D程序框架剖析 251 11.3.1 DXUT简介 251 11.3.2 初始化DXUT 253 11.3.3 DXUT框架与应用程序窗口 254 11.3.4 DXUT框架与Direct3D设备 256-Proficient in DirectX 3D graphi
- 游戏开发大全-game.programming.all.in.one.pdf-Before moving to the last four operators let me explain something. When you work with arrays, the memory for each element is organized sequentially, but this doesn’t mean that each element is only a byte awa