- 学vc编游戏的配套光盘 要编译[学vc编游戏]源程序一定要运行“学vc编游戏.exe”将程序解包到硬盘上。不要直接用拷贝光盘的办法(直接拷贝的文件是只读属性的)。-the cd of <> if you want to compile the source file in the cd-rom,you must run \"学VC编游戏.exe\" to extract program onto hd.don t copy from cd directly(the attr of t
- 如果只是执行EXE文件,只要电脑安装了Direct X9.0就行了, 一般电脑在装操作系统时有默认安装这个的! ------------------------------------------------------- 如果是要编译游戏源程序,需要安装VC++ 6.0和DirectX 9.0b或以上的版本! 游戏名称:孙膑问世 游戏内容: 本游戏改编自36集大集古装电视连续剧《孙子兵法与三十六计》 游戏类型:3D RPG游戏 游戏剧情:
- 赛车游戏VC源代码 编译RaceX.dsw文件,在Debug目录下会生成文件RaceX.exe,直接双击该文件,即可运行“赛车”程序。 ********** 要正确编译源代码,需要安装DirectX 8.0及其以上版本。-racing game VC source code compiler RaceX.dsw documents in the Debug directory will RaceX.exe file, double-click the file directly, and can
- 完全3D的打砖块,支持多种宝物,多种玩法以及超过30个精心设计的关卡。提供关卡编辑器和场景编辑器,用户能自已编辑关卡加入到关卡文件中。-The full 3D Arkanoid, support a variety of treasures, as well as a variety of games are played over 30 carefully designed levels. Provide the level editor and a scene editor, users c
- 《Oreilly游戏开发物理学》的示例代码。包括完整的VC工程文件和可执行程序,以及完整的代码。是游戏开发者的良好参考-Oreilly s <Game Development Physics> s example code, including complete VC project file and executable program, and of course, the source file. The code examples are a good reference f
- 双色球彩票游戏软件 1横向滚动显示文字 2优良的随机数产生算法 3动态显示随机数 4彩色静态文本的实现 5使用VC操作EXCEL 6高效的排列组合算法 7文件操作-1 horizontal Scrolling text 2 good random number generator algorithm for random number 3 dynamic display 4 static text color to achieve 5 of EXCEL 6 the u
- 一个VC++ 可以全屏的俄罗斯方块游戏源程序,比较经典的游戏了,小时候经常玩的,请注意资源文件的相对目录位置,要不然全屏后一片空白,在VC6.0下可顺利编译。-VC++ can be a full-screen source code of the game Tetris, the classic game of comparison, the child often played, please note that the relative resource file directory lo
- 学VC编写传奇游戏,介绍说明了使用VC开发游戏的一种方法,文件包含了大量的游戏素材(包括图片,声音),并提供了大量的源程序-Studies prepared by legendary VC games to illustrate the development of the game illustrates the use of VC as a method of file contains a large number of game material (including images, s
- 又一个贪吃蛇i游戏的源码,虽然每一款贪吃蛇的玩法都相同,但是编程的算法却不同,本贪吃蛇有要是应用到VC++的循环队列和简单链表原理实现的,用键盘上的W/A/S/D键分别控制蛇身移动,越接越长,在游戏开始前,蛇身、食物数量可以自己设置,提醒一下,这个游戏需要你的视力特别好哦,要不然看不清楚的。-======================================================================== MICROSOFT FOUNDATION
- 超经典坦克大战双人版,VC++完整版,含声音、地图、资源文件,编译后请将Map、Sound、graphics拷贝至可执行文件同级目录内,否则出错.-Double version of the classic Battle City Super, VC++ full version, including sound, maps, resource file, compiled please Map, Sound, graphics copied to the same level director
- C语言编写贪吃蛇源代码,简单易懂,文件为VC源代码,附txt代码和源代码程序-Snake source code written in C language, easy to understand, and file for VC source code, with a the txt code and source code program
- 飞鸽传书源代码,大家都知道VB版、VC版还有Delphi版的飞鸽传书软件,但是Java版的确实不多,因此这个Java文件传输实例不可错过,Java网络编程技能的提升很有帮助。 -IP Messenger source code, everyone knows VB version, VC version also Delphi version of IP Messenger software, but there are a small Java version, so this shoul
- :vc开发的超级玛丽源码,如果你要修改编译程序请将\res目录下的帮助文件复制到执行文件的同一目录-: vc development of Super Mario source code if you want to modify the help file compiler set \ res directory is copied to the same directory as the executable file
- 贪吃蛇代码-C语言-VC++6.0 /*这是一个贪吃蛇代码,运行环境VC++6.0(亲测完美运行)*/ /*该程序在dos系统下运行,不需要graphics.h头文件*/ -Snake code-C language-VC++6.0 /* this is a Snake code, operating environment VC++6.0 (dear test run perfectly) /* this program to run in the DOS syste
- 贪吃蛇,由VC编码,可在VC中执行,编译为EXE文件后直接在DOS窗口执行,上下左右方向键控制蛇的移动方向,*代表蛇的食物。-Snake, encoded by the VC can be performed in the VC, compiled into the EXE file directly in the DOS window, left and right arrow keys to control the direction of movement of snakes,* for
- 基于VC++开发的贪吃蛇小游戏,使用vs打开Tanchishe.sln项目文件-Based VC++ developed Snake game, using the project file vs open Tanchishe.sln