- 实现了能逐渐显示各种类型的玫瑰花图片,位置随机,直到铺满桌面为止,用鼠标单击,停止显示,并弹出图片“爱你一万年,程序结束”字样。-Can be achieved gradually showed pictures of various types of roses, the location of random, until the desktop is covered so far, with the mouse click to stop shows and pop-up picture,
- 是一个比较小巧完整的2D飞机射击游戏,类的设计比较好,可扩展性很强.包括按键处理/图片显示/碰撞处理等功能-Is a relatively small full 2D plane shooting game, kind of well designed, highly scalable. Including key handle/picture show/deal with features such as collision
- 坦克大战,有图片显示,子弹,已经爆炸模拟,增加生命值,障碍物设置等。-Battle City, a picture show, bullets, has been an explosion simulation, increase the value of life, obstacles and other settings.