- 键上飞是一个类似Dos时代TT的打字小游戏,你若经过几天练习,肯定是运指如飞啦!... -keys on the fly is a similar Dos times TT typing small games, after several days if you practice is certainly means Rufei Win! ...
- 小球打砖块游戏,小球在界面内弹跳,主要是通过按键盘上光标左右控制键控制板的左右移动,使小球落下遇到挡板反弹,避免球落下并让球打到砖块,砖块被击中后会消失,同时得相应分数,当砖块全部被打完后赢得游戏,游戏结束。 若没打完之前,小球掉下没有被板接住则输掉游戏,游戏结束。 -Arkanoid game ball, bouncing ball inside the interface, mainly by pressing left and right cursor control keys o
- VC2008 MFC写的一个小游戏,五子连珠,相同颜色的5个小球可消除。第一次写游戏,没有用用到类,有时间改改设计类来实现。-use visual studio 2008 to realize a small game. the 5 same color ball can eliminate and win the scores.
- 一款经营类的模拟游戏。在游戏中您将于世界杯开赛前一年接掌国家队的帅印,然后通过不断的训练、调整、比赛来锻炼队伍,提高球队、球员的能力和世界排名。而且您必须随时注意与队员的关系、国家对您的信任等指数,如果它们太低的话,那您的位置可就坐不大稳了。在您征战世界杯的过程中,大可不必担心缺兵少将的问题,因为可随时到国内各个俱乐部去寻找需要的球员,然后把他招至您的麾下,当然这需要支出一定的费用,不过不用担心国家每周都有补助,而且取得比赛胜利还有额外的奖励。 -Operating a type of si
- 国外电脑狂人大作!3D美女演示动画,在结尾处会出现一段字幕,说明动画所包含的内容,如178兆多媒体纹理、159MB的wave文件、12条音轨、8亿5千万波样等。按WIN 退出-Daisaku foreign lunatics computer! Beautiful demonstration of 3D animation, at the end of a section title will appear on animated content, such as 178 megabytes o
- VB撞球游戏源代码.为什么说这个撞球游戏是有难度的呢?因为一般的撞球游戏是只有下边有挡板,而这一个是四面都有,四面的挡板都栏到了小球,才算获胜了,一般你要是能玩过两关就算高手了~-VB source code for billiards game. Why do I say that this pool game is difficult to do? Because the pool is the only game tailgate down there, and this one is s
- 一个很实用的C语言代码,代码一共有四个文件夹,分别代表的是地图、玩家坦克、电脑坦克等,编译环境要是DOS下的Win-tc或者是tc其他的编译器不能用-A very practical C-language code, the code a total of four folders, each represented by the map, the player tanks, tanks, and other computers, the compiler if the DOS environm
- 学习工作之余,玩玩乒乓球也不失为一种锻炼大脑的好方法。但是,这里要实现的是一个电脑游戏,而不是真实的游戏,但是可以根据你个人的水平设置不同的级别。游戏开始后,乒乓球从右边发过来,你控制左端的球拍,将球接过去为赢,如果对方接球过来而你没有接住的话,就重新从右端发球。-Learning Outside of work, play table tennis is also regarded as a good way to exercise the brain. However, to achieve
- c语言编写的小霸王学习机界面,一个小车的游戏,给出简单加减运算,用户输入结果,正确并给出评判小车前进一步。(本代码是在win—tc写的,在visual c++里边运行要将getch()去掉。)-c language learning machine interface written Sundance Kid, a car game, give a simple addition and subtraction, the results of user input, and gives judg
- 暑期时间周 老师教了些关于图形与按键的东西 结合起来 我写了个模仿劲舞团的游戏(虽然有点脑残) 有兴趣的朋友可以看看 有不对或不好的地方 欢迎指出 (注:在WIN—TC底下运行 VC可能无法运行)-Summer time week teacher teach something about the graphics and buttons I wrote a combination of imitation Audition game
- Simulation of a game between two parties. Gameplay: Computer for each participant draws 5 numbers (between 1 and 10, can include duplicates). After dividing the numbers, the computer draws three more numbers: For each number, each player
- 三连棋,实现任何电脑的交互,三个位置连成一条直线即赢,电脑为随机!-Triple chess, to achieve any computer interaction, three position to win even in a straight line that is, computer random!
- XO game, Tic Tac Toe You have the blue "X s" and the computer has the red "O s". To win the game you must get 5 of your pieces in a row before the computer
- 基于win ce的贪吃蛇游戏的开发 . 起初贪吃蛇蛇身为1节,贪吃蛇按照原来的方向行进直到通过按键改变贪吃蛇的行进方向。 在屏幕上绘制贪吃蛇,在他们的四周绘制四面墙和障碍物,蛇身在行进的过程中不能碰到墙壁和障碍物,碰到则游戏结束,提示是否重新开始,按确认键重新开始。若能保持不碰墙过1分钟则完成游戏,提示游戏是否重新开始,按确认键则重新开始。 -Based on the win ce snake game development. At first the snake as sn
- win SDK 编写 过关运行 很不错的 -SDK to write a very good pass run
- 一款五子棋游戏,可以实现人机交互,有打开、保存、反悔、输赢等功能-A 331 game, the human-computer interaction, there are open, save, go back, win or lose
- 随机数字游戏,随机生成三个数字,如果包含指定的一个数字则表示赢了一次-Random numbers game, randomly generated three numbers, if contains the specified number is said to win a
- 学编程半月后写的俄罗斯方块,环境win-tc.要有Egavga.bgi-Written after school program a half Tetris and environmental win-tc have Egavga.bgi
- 一個的3D賽車遊戲,在賽場與其他AI車輛比賽,並贏得勝利,檔案中有許多.X模組,值得對3D有興趣的新手們學習,內附WORD解說-A 3D racing game in the stadium and other AI vehicles race, and win, many X modules worth of 3D novices learning file included WORD Commentary
- You can choose training to playing using some in game money, or in tournament, that helps you win a lot of money. It is easy to play. All you have to do is rock , paper or scissors.-You can choose training to playing using some in game money, or in