- 支持多种语音格式文件如AU、WAVE、AIFF、NIST、IRCAM、ESPS、CSL/NSP、INRS-Telecom等的读写的工具库
- Snack声音扩展增加了用于声音播放/录音和声音可视化的命令,如波形和声谱图。它支持内存声音对象,基于文件的音频,音频流,WAV, AU, AIFF, 和MP3文件格式,同步和异步播放。 -Snack voice for the expansion of a broadcast voice / voice recording and visual orders, such as acoustic wave spectra. It supports voice memory object, fil
- mpeg-1音频解码源码。可以运行,解码出来是正确的。解码后的文件是.aiff文件-MPEG-1 audio decoding source. Can run, decoding out to be correct. Decoding the files yes. Aiff file
- BASS is an audio library for use in Windows and Mac OSX software. Its purpose is to provide developers with the most powerful and efficient (yet easy to use), sample, stream (MP3, MP2, MP1, OGG, WAV, AIFF, custom generated, and more via add-ons), MOD
- BASS is an audio library for use in Windows and Mac OSX software. Its purpose is to provide developers with the most powerful and efficient (yet easy to use), sample, stream (MP3, MP2, MP1, OGG, WAV, AIFF, custom generated, and more via add-ons), MOD
- BASS is an audio library for use in Windows and Mac OSX software. Its purpose is to provide developers with the most powerful and efficient (yet easy to use), sample, stream (MP3, MP2, MP1, OGG, WAV, AIFF, custom generated, and more via add-ons), MOD
- BASS is an audio library for use in Windows and Mac OSX software. Its purpose is to provide developers with the most powerful and efficient (yet easy to use), sample, stream (MP3, MP2, MP1, OGG, WAV, AIFF, custom generated, and more via add-ons), MOD
- BASS is an audio library for use in Windows and Mac OSX software. Its purpose is to provide developers with the most powerful and efficient (yet easy to use), sample, stream (MP3, MP2, MP1, OGG, WAV, AIFF, custom generated, and more via add-ons), MOD
- BASS is an audio library for use in Windows and Mac OSX software. Its purpose is to provide developers with the most powerful and efficient (yet easy to use), sample, stream (MP3, MP2, MP1, OGG, WAV, AIFF, custom generated, and more via add-ons), MOD
- BASS is an audio library for use in Windows and Mac OSX software. Its purpose is to provide developers with the most powerful and efficient (yet easy to use), sample, stream (MP3, MP2, MP1, OGG, WAV, AIFF, custom generated, and more via add-ons), MOD
- sndpeek is just what it sounds (and looks) like: real-time 3D animated display/playback can use mic-input or wav/aiff/snd/raw/mat file (with playback) time-domain waveform FFT magnitude spectrum 3D waterfall plot lissajous! (inte
- 这个源代码是能够录音 而且能播放.wav .aiff 文件-the source code can be recorded and can play. Wav. Aiff file
- foobar2k的源代码 一个非常不错的媒体播放器,界面简单但是可支持MPEG-4 AAC MP3 MP2 Musepack Ogg Vorbis WAV AIFF VOC AU SND CDDA FLAC Monkey s Audio WavPack Speex Mod SPC TFMX Shorten OptimFROG LPAC WMA AC3 PSF NSF SID XA Matroska -foobar2000 the source code a very good media pla
- Object Initializers——对象初始化器 本初始化器可以促进编译器自动生成property setter代码,由此可为用户省略了几行...1、在小程序中播放声音 java可以播放au,aiff,wav,midi,rfm格式的音频 可以调用Applet的一个静态方法: newAudioClip(...
- 支持多种语音格式文件如AU、WAVE、AIFF、NIST、IRCAM、ESPS、CSL/NSP、INRS-Telecom等的读写的工具库,Support multiple audio formats, such as AU, WAVE, AIFF, NIST, IRCAM, ESPS, CSL/NSP, INRS-Telecom, such as reading and writing tool library
- java语言的多媒体格式转换器,支持格式:aac,aiff,ape,au,flac,m4a,m4b,mp3,mp4,mpc,ogg,ra,wav and wma. ,This is a Java multiple audio format converter, it is a GUI for some command-line programs. It supports aac,aiff,ape,au,flac,m4a,m4b,mp3,mp4,mpc,ogg,ra,wav and wma.
- jlGui是一个java平台的图形音乐播放器.它基于JavaSound 1.0 .jlGui支持的音频格式有WAV,AU,AIFF,MP3,OGG,VORBIS与SPEEX. -jlGui is a java platform graphical music player. It is based on JavaSound 1.0. jlGui supported audio formats are WAV, AU, AIFF, MP3, OGG, VORBIS and SPEEX.
- libsndfile, 开源声音文件格式处理库,如wav。使用该库可方便处理音频文件头。- Libsndfile is a C library for reading and writing files containing sampled sound (such as MS Windows WAV and the Apple/SGI AIFF format) through one standard library interface. It is released in sourc
- 盖莫音频引擎1.4.2发布 1.支持平台win7,xp,vista 2.支持语言c++ 3.支持编译器vc6.0,vc7.1,vc8,vc9,devc++,codeblock 4.支持音频格式flac,aiff,wav,it,mod,s3m,xm,ogg,mp3 5.播放模式:多线程流式播放 6.使用多线程处理音频录入-Audio Engine 1.4.2 released Gaimo Rights Gaimo Audio Engine 1.4.2 Release 1.
- BASS is an audio library for use in Windows and Mac OSX software. Its purpose is to provide developers with powerful and efficient sample, stream (MP3, MP2, MP1, OGG, WAV, AIFF, custom generated, and more via add-ons), MOD music (XM, IT, S3M, MOD, MT