- 一个音频处理开源库,实现语音变速,变调等功能,十分强大。-An open-source audio processing library, voice speed, pitch and other functions, is very powerful.
- 在语音中提取基音频率的程序。输入为.wav格式的语音文件,输出各帧基音频率-Extraction of pitch in the voice frequency of the procedure. Input. Wav format audio files, the output frequency of the frame pitch
- 音频处理程序,能够修改音频数据的音调等信息-A utility that can modify wav files to change the playing time of an audio clip, and transpose or scale the pitch of the clip. Great for audio book enthusiasts, and music lovers. Time shifting. DSP. Pitch Scaling.
- A source for an pitch shifter DSP audio effect. Free for use and modify. Compilable with Delphi >= 5.0
- musicdsp source code archive-Analysis Beat Detector Class Coefficients for Daubechies wavelets 1-38 DFT Envelope detector Envelope Detector class (C++) Envelope follower with different attack and release Fast in-place Walsh-Hadamard Tra
- 基于Bass音频库实现的音乐实时改变音调和速度播放的程序。支持大多数音频格式。-Based on Bass audio library of music to achieve real-time changes the pitch and speed of the playback program. It supports most audio formats.
- This mfile representates audio attacks : 1. LPF 6k 2. BPF 1-6k 4. Mono 5. Noise 6. Sample Rate Change 7. Time Scale 8. Linear Speed Change 9. Pitch Shifting 10. Equalizer 11. Echo 12. Cropping 13. MPEG-1 14. MPEG-2 15. MPE
- Linear-Predictive-Coder MATLAB Implementation of LPC algorithm for speech signal # Why LPC? In communication systems it is often necessary to transmit audio(speech) signal in compressed or encoded form because of bandwidth limitation of the