- Video Reading Code for Matlab. This some C++ and mex code written as a Matlab wrapper around the ffmpeg video reading libraries. It should compile under Windows and Linux. (The Windows compilation requires mingw gcc. Extact installation instructions
- This a beta version of the WMA fix point codec for the Roku PhotoBridge HD1000. This codec will not decode WMA Professional, WMA Voice or WMA Lossless. The wmadec.c file used is based on the ffmpeg-20041113 source. The codec makes use of the
- 分布文件系统 Ceph是基于California大学存储系统研究中心研究成果的LGPL项目-v0.13 released We’ve made a v0.13 release. This mostly fixes bugs with v0.12 that have come up over the past couple weeks: * [ku]lcient: fix sync read vs eof, lseek(…, SEEK_END) * mds
- fix for h264 streaming video in ipp 5.3 to enable immediate frame decoding
- This a classic ffmpeg tutorial examples, I fix all the bugs,sytax error and fuctions out of data,share with new ffmpeg beginners-This is a classic ffmpeg tutorial examples, I fix all the bugs,sytax error and fuctions out of data,share with new ffmpeg
- YSChat2.0视频会议主要功能: 1、实现多人在线视频,画面清晰流畅。 2、多人语音聊天。 3、多人共享电子白板,即画即现。 4、多人文字聊天。 5、文件发送 6、远程播播放录像 在YSChat1.0基础上,增加和修复下面的功能: 1、美化界面,增加xp皮肤,解决了音量滑杆的皮肤问题。 2、增加了文件传输功能。在用户列表中选中用户并点击鼠标右键 -YSChat2.0 video conferencing features: multiplayer online video, the pi
- pll(phase locked loop) is used to fix the circuit to particular frequency
- 通过AudioUnit来实现两个或多个音频文件混音播放效果,主要是供学习使用-upload for user who want to do same music files fix sounds play
- 利用opencv进行人脸检测,解决原始代码不兼容部分USB摄像头的问题(face detection using opencv, fix some minnor problems in the opencv demo that may cause video capture failure.)