- This sample shows the necessary code to copy a WMV file. It demonstrates how to read compressed samples, write compressed samples, read header attributes and scr ipts, and modify header attributes.-This sample shows the necessary code to cop
- 本程序实现了想数据库中添加多媒体文件和文件说明,同时 还可以浏览相应的文件图标。点击连接,还可以打开文件, 能够方便的查看多媒体文件的属性和打开多媒体。 通常,要想在数据库中调用多媒体文件,两种方法:内置和外挂。 一般内置法只合适于小的图象数据库。外挂法的特点: 数据库和多媒体文件相互独立,即在数据库中只有文件名, 没有文件本身。当然,数据库中文件名对应的文件最好是 都保存在同一个目录下面。-the program to the database to add multimedia files
- Samples\AsfCreate --- -- Creates an Asf or WMV file from a collection of bitmaps Samples\AsfNet -------------------- Sends the output of DirectShow capture graphs to a network port to be read by Windows Media Player Samples
- 一个关于WMA文件tag属性的读取程序,可以读取wma文件的标题,艺术家,发行年,唱片集,备注等,有兴趣的朋友拿去看一下,也许对你有帮助。-WMA file attributes on the tag of a read program that can read wma file title, artist, release year, album, notes, etc., are interested, take it a look and maybe help you.
- 基于FFmpeg 改变视频文件属性,如,向视频文件添加关键帧 以用于解决网络播放关键帧过少易出现花屏的现象-Based on the FFmpeg to change the video file attributes, such as the video file to add a key frame to solve the network play a key frame is too small to appear the phenomenon of flower screen