- Overview of the H.264/AVC video coding standard.This article provides an overview of the technical features of H.264/AVC, describes profiles and applications for the standard, and outlines the history of the standardization process.
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- PCI Enumerate Tool by WuJun@amoi.com.cn copy Irvine16.inc into c:\masm611\include copy Irvine16.lib into c:\masm611\lib compile command: ML /nologo -c -Fl pci.asm link command: LINK /nologo pci,,NUL,Irvine16 History 2004-11-2
- H.264/AVC is newest video coding standard of the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group and the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group. The main goals of the H.264/AVC standardization effort have been enhanced compression performance and provision of
- H.264/AVC is newest video coding standard of the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group and the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group. The main goals of the H.264/AVC standardization effort have been enhanced compression performance and provision of
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