- xine linux code, this famous xine media player. it support almost all media type and all net streaming
- SIP Stacks dissipate2: C++ Linux, requries the qt-library, License: GPL Homepage: http://www.wirlab.net/kphone/ A enhanced dissipate, is part of the kphone distribution.
- 摄像头监控系统 最终形成的软件适用于C/S架构或B/S架构。 本软件系统共由两部分构成Server端和Client端(或浏览器)。 针对网络视频监控设备的实际应用需求,结合图像采集编码、嵌入式系统、网络技术等几方面的新技术,设计了一套,嵌入式监控系统,用以实现视频数据的采集,压缩与网络传输,该系统基于嵌入式linux操作系统,采用USB摄像头捕捉,可以使用浏览器(火狐 谷歌)单张拍照,可以使用浏览器浏览远程视频;或使用用QT实现的客户端程序,可以拍摄单张图片,可查看远程视频影像,如有需要
- MeChat 实现多语音视频和视频会议功能 ,同时可以有十几个人同时语音视频交流.数据的传输采用P2P一样的原理,非常有效的智能的选择使用网络带宽,既保证语音和视频的高质量传输,又对服务的网络带宽没有高要求.客户容易自己美化界面,用户更多的控制功能。 MeChat安装、维护极其简单。MeChat采用C++编制,速度奇快,支持超过5000人同时在线! MeChat灵活的模板结构,提供您一个充分展示自己个性的平台。支持WindowNT/2000/XP/2003/linux/solaris/uni
- djmount === = djmount - mount MediaServers content as a Linux filesystem. Created 23/04/2005, R閙i Turboult <r3mi@users.sourceforge.net> djmount is a UPnP AV client. It mounts as a Linux filesystem (using FUSE) the media conte
- BASS is an audio library for use in Windows and Mac OSX software. Its purpose is to provide developers with powerful and efficient sample, stream (MP3, MP2, MP1, OGG, WAV, AIFF, custom generated, and more via add-ons), MOD music (XM, IT, S3M, MOD, MT
- 基于 video for linux II 的视频采集服务端 运行程序后可以直接用firefox访问 运行环境 linux内核2.4以上 编辑环境 vim 编译环境 gcc 4.3以上 硬件需求 USB摄像头一个 (我用的逻辑的C100)-Based on video for linux II' s video capture server after running the program directly access the operating environme
- MPEG4IP Project The MPEG4IP project provides a standards-based system for encoding, streaming, and playing encoded audio, video and text. To achieve this we ve integrated a number of existing open source packages, and created some original code to