- 最全面的MPEG4标准文档,涵盖音频、视频、系统、文件格式、一致性测试等等。属于官方发布的PDF文件,非常珍贵,是开发和科研的最理想,最珍贵的资料。-MPEG4 standards the most comprehensive document, covering audio, video, systems, file formats, conformance testing and so on. Part of the official release of the PDF file, ver
- 分布文件系统 Ceph是基于California大学存储系统研究中心研究成果的LGPL项目-v0.13 released We’ve made a v0.13 release. This mostly fixes bugs with v0.12 that have come up over the past couple weeks: * [ku]lcient: fix sync read vs eof, lseek(…, SEEK_END) * mds