- Used for pciture zoom in/zoom out in touch screen. In this example, only 5 frames touch cooredinates data are given as input, but in real time demo, a buffer with 5 frames can be set.,Used for pciture zoom in/zoom out in touch screen. In this example
- This Java ME application demonstrates the use case of downscaling and upscaling the UI to different types of devices and using touch and keyboard events in the same application. UX design and graphics have been ported from the Sudokumaster Flas
- 1 、 能够播放歌曲文件 2 、 能通过触摸屏按钮控制mplayer 播放、暂停、快进、快退、上一首、下一首 3 、 能通过物理按键控制mplayer 播放、暂停、快进、快退、上一首、下一首 4 、 显示歌曲列表,当前播放歌曲须要反显,点击对应歌曲能切换 5 、 显示歌曲信息 6 、 显示歌曲时间 7 、 显示歌曲进度条 8 、 显示歌曲对应的歌词,并且能够和歌曲同步 9 、 能够自动换歌(播放完一首歌曲后,自动播放下一首歌) -1, 2 can
- 使用基于Kinect和多点触摸屏的多媒体处理代码-processing code for multimedia using based on Kinect and multi-touch screen