- The purpose of this driver set is to provide easy, direct access to the controls and imagery of compliant cameras on the 1394 serial bus. These cameras are capable of transmitting image data at up to 400 mbps* while also offering the ability to contr
- 从AVI视频流中获取单帧的图像数据,并保存-from AVI video stream access to the single-frame image data, and preserve
- mad mp3解码dll libmad is a powerful open source library written in C that decodes MP3 files to uncompressed PCM data. However, it compiles as a static library, limiting its access to C/C++. I have written code (based on the source madlld) that compil
- 利用 dspack获取摄像头视频数据,并时时传输到服务器端(需要direct 9)-use dspack video camera access to data, and keep transmission to the server (needs direct 9)
- 运行的通用环境:Win9x/NT/2000/XP +ACCESS数据库 其中: 1.可执行文件保存在相关实例目录Release下 2.与数据库有关的实例需要先添加数据源,具体请参考相关目录下的说明文件 3.其他实例如有特殊要求,请具体参考相关目录下的说明文件 4.请将可执行文件拷贝到硬盘中运行。 -running generic environment : CTP + ACCESS database which : 1. executable files stored
- ISO/IEC 14496-1,MPEG4的系统层文档,各种描述子详细介绍了Video和Audio ES的组成结构,解码时音视频数据的获取就是建立在此部分理论基础之上的,学习MPEG4编解码必备手册.-ISO / IEC 14496-1, MPEG4 system level documentation, various detailed descr iption of the Video and Audio ES composition, audio and video decoding da
- 获取USB摄像头RGB视频,调用驱动,获取视频数据,是实现视频会议系统的基本算法。-access USB camera RGB video, called drive, access to the video data, video conferencing is the basic algorithm.
- IAD (Integrated Access Device )132E(T) 综合接入设备(下文简称IAD132E(T) )是华为技术有限公司下一代网络NGN(Next Generation Network )解决方案中的重要部件,用以向公司等用户提供小容量VoIP (Voice over IP)/FoIP(Fax over IP )解决方案。IAD132E(T) 作为VoIP/FoIP 媒体接入网关,应用于NGN 用户接入层,完成模拟话音信号与IP 包之间的转换,并通过包交换网络传送数据的功能
- Sun公司javaTV API源代码 This specification describes the Java TVTM API, a Java Micro Edition (Java ME) Optional Package that provides control over functionality unique to television receivers. Some of the features that the Java TV API provides are: access
- 采用草屋音乐搜索的风格,采用xmlhtp远程获取baidu数据,并进行了结构的重组,加入了在线播放和下载页面,自动识别歌曲格式调用相关播放器进行在线播放,支持flash搜索的在线播放 在3.0版上增加了歌词的搜索功能, 集成在线试听功能,同时显示相关歌词,提供歌曲下载功能-thatched cottages music search using the style used xmlhtp remote data access engines, and the structure of the r
- 直接从CD抓取音频数据压缩成MP3格式,包括有MP3的编码/解码,ID3信息的获取,CD TOC表的读取等内容。-directly from the CD audio data compression crawl into the MP3 format, including MP3 encoding / decoding, ID3 information access, CD TOC table read as such.
- :终端设备能力日益增强,网络带宽日益增加,用户通过网络获取媒体数据的需求量 越来越大。当大量用户访问同一流媒体服务器时,服务器的性能受到挑战。我们可以通过中 继的方法,将流放大,使更多用户可以享受更高质量的流媒体服务。本文介绍了从开源项目 中选择Darwin Streaming Server 来实现中继的原因,并详细的介绍了如何使用DSS 来进行媒 体中继。-: The growing ability of terminal equipment, network bandwidt
- 获取摄像头数据代码,纯代码操作。无控件-Camera data access code, net code operation. No controls
- 三层音乐网站源码 技术架构:是不是三层不太清楚(很难理解),采用的是伪静态URL重写.后台数据采集AJAX.. 程序简介:主要实现了数据管理,添加,修改,删除.以及数据采集功能.由于时间的关系,有一部分功能还没完成! 程序目录: Music.Common Music.Config Music.Data.Access Music.Data.SqlServer Music.DbHelper Music.Model
- 分布文件系统 Ceph是基于California大学存储系统研究中心研究成果的LGPL项目-v0.13 released We’ve made a v0.13 release. This mostly fixes bugs with v0.12 that have come up over the past couple weeks: * [ku]lcient: fix sync read vs eof, lseek(…, SEEK_END) * mds
- libmad is a powerful open source library written in C that decodes MP3 files to uncompressed PCM data. However, it compiles as a static library, limiting its access to C/C++. I have written code (based on the source madlld) that compiles to a DLL, en
- libmad is a powerful open source library written in C that decodes MP3 files to uncompressed PCM data. However, it compiles as a static library, limiting its access to C/C++. I have written code (based on the source madlld) that compiles to a DLL, en
- libmad is a powerful open source library written in C that decodes MP3 files to uncompressed PCM data. However, it compiles as a static library, limiting its access to C/C++. I have written code (based on the source madlld) that compiles to a DLL, en
- libmad is a powerful open source library written in C that decodes MP3 files to uncompressed PCM data. However, it compiles as a static library, limiting its access to C/C++. I have written code (based on the source madlld) that compiles to a DLL, en
- libmad is a powerful open source library written in C that decodes MP3 files to uncompressed PCM data. However, it compiles as a static library, limiting its access to C/C++. I have written code (based on the source madlld) that compiles to a DLL, en