- In computer vision, one usually needs access to video frames as they are streamed in order to analyze or process them in some way. This code-pack shows how to obtain a single bitmap from a video stream using Microsoft Directshow.
- 用directshow对摄像头进行视频扑获,并可设置帧率和视频质量,并可进行视频录制-This programme can grab the video frame from a camera by directshow,and set frame rate and the video quality. It can also record video frames.
- Video Reading Code for Matlab. This some C++ and mex code written as a Matlab wrapper around the ffmpeg video reading libraries. It should compile under Windows and Linux. (The Windows compilation requires mingw gcc. Extact installation instructions
- 非常好的源码,用于比较两个YUV文件从第几帧开始的第几个宏块的数据有哪些差别,在视频编解码器验证及CODING的时候是非常好用的工具。-very good source. YUV used to compare two documents from the first few frames beginning of the first few pieces of data-what difference Video codecs CODING certification and the time
- Video Preview and Frames Capture to Memory with SampleGrabber in Buffered Mode. The article demonstrating video preview and frames capture to memory from external video devices using ISampleGrabber interface in buffered mode. C++, VC8.0, Windows
- 从视频中提取关键帧,采用贪心算法和堆排序来处理视频中的大量帧信息。-Extracted from the video key frame, the use of greedy algorithm and HEAPSORT to deal with a large number of frames of video information.
- mpeg1播放软件 同时可以参考信息,学习mpeg1的开源软件-XMPLAY is a very nice directory-browser under X11 to use XMPEG, the interactive X11-MPEG-player. MPEG is a video-format described by the ISO-standard ISO CD11172. This implementation here can handle MPEG-str
- 本文以DirectShow技术为基础,通过对媒体文件或多媒体 流中的视频流的处理,从多媒体文件视频流中捕获视频帧图 像,提取出所需要的最好、最有价值的图像帧信息。利用 DirectShow技术从视频流中捕获帧图像,捕获精度可达到l帧。-In this paper, DirectShow technology-based, through the media file or multimedia stream video stream processing, multimedia fi
- 从别的网站下载的代码,我编译过可以成功运行。功能:视频分析,获取帧数。 -Code from another website, I can run successfully compiled. Features: Video analysis, to obtain frames.
- 运动目标识别与跟踪程序,具有相当不错的执行能力-There are many approaches for motion detection in a continuous video stream. All of them are based on comparing of the current video frame with one from the previous frames or with something that we ll call background. In this
- 功能列表= mmwrite(文件名,选择... ...) mmwrite是能写的AVI,WMV,的WMA,ASF文件。对于AVI文件,您可以选择从现有的编解码器压缩的音频和视频流。 对于WMV,WMA和ASF的编码默认为16位的Windows Media 9率为44100Hz立体声为98%质量的音频和Windows媒体视频9 98 质量。质量可以指定音频和视频。 环绕声,似乎只与AVI和多通道编码不支持。编写任何其他文件类型不支持。本使用Win
- This program is a tool for reading image frames from an avi video file. It can be used for make another avi-based applications.
- The compression efficiency of Distributed Video-Coding (DVC) suffers from the necessity of transmitting a large number of key-frames which are intra-coded. This paper describes a new 3D model-basedDVC approach which reduces the keyframe frequ
- Given two to four synchronized video streams taken at eye level and from different angles, we show that we can effectively combine a generative model with dynamic programming to accurately follow up to six individuals across thousands of frames i
- This code will separate frames from video
- Extracting one frame from video using opencv
- 实现从TS视频文件中提取所有I帧。分别输出PES文件、ES文件和I文件-Extract all I-frames from TS video file.The PES file, ES file and I file output respectively.
- image to video .. we make AVI from frames in matlab
- The matlab code is used to take the videos and extract all the frames from the video.