- 采用G.729的语言实时通信DLL(含测试源代码)- Uses G.729 language real-time communication DLL (to contain test source code)
- Dialogic的vox语音格式实际上是一种ADPCM编码,与ITU的G.726 ADPCM算法非常类似。由于ITU的G.726算法比较复杂,实际应用中,多半采用该算法的变体实现。各种变体的区别主要在于参数不同。Dialogic采用的是OKI的一 种实现,称为OKI ADPCM。Windows的.wav格式也包括OKI的ADPCM。-the vox Dialogic voice format is actually a ADPCM encoding, with the ITU G.726 ADP
- 这是关于语音聊天软件的一个程序代码 当运行该软的时候,至少需要有一方按下“建立服务器”按钮,表示该台机子用于做服务器,成功时文本显示区会显示“Server Has Been Set OK!”,才有可能接受来自其他机子的连接,当然客户端要输入服务器的IP地址和指定端口后,然后按“连接服务器”按钮,若成功则会在本地文本显示区显示“Client Connection Succeed”,双方建立了连接后,就可以开始通信了。你可以在文本输入区输入你想说的话,按回车,就会在本地文本显示区显示你刚才说的话
- 一个使用G729算法去音频文件进行处理的工具源代码-an algorithm used to decode audio processing tools for source code
- G.711等标准的实现,这是一个非常好的例子!对想学习这个标准的人非常有用-G.711 standards for the realization of this is a very good example! Right want to learn the standards of the very useful
- G.726协议的C源码,已经在VC平台上实现,里面还有协议的测试序列-G.726 agreement C source code, the VC has been achieved, there is also agreement to the test sequence ,C source code G.726 agreement has been achieved in the VC platform, there is also agreement test sequence-G.726
- 音频G.728编解码标准 源代码 可以用来学习 也可以用来开发,Standard G.728 audio codec can be used to study the source code can also be used to develop
- G729的编解码代码,c语言编写,完整工程可以直接编译运行。-G729 codec code, c language, complete works could be directly translated to run.
- g.726语音编解码标准的使用,整个程序的功能如下: 1)读入原始的WAV语音文件(Audio sample rate:8khz,Audio sample size:8bit) 2) wav语音文件转为PCM语音文件 3)对PCM语音文件进行G.726压缩编码 4)对压缩后的文件进行解压缩转为PCM语音文件 5)把PCM语音文件转为WAV语音文件-g.726 speech coding standards for the use of the functions
- 如何成功的运用OPENH323 来开发商业的H.323 协议栈 Openh323 有以下的特征: 1>动态的静音检测算法, 以减小语音包的传输量。 2>支持Windows,Linux 和FreeBSD 的多种客户端命令。 3>包含有MCU,PSTN 网关,和自动语音应答机等多种应用平台。 4>软件支持GSM,LPC-10,G.711 uLaw/Alaw 软件编解码方式。 5>特定硬件(Quicknet/LineXJ)支持G.723.1, G.728 和 G.729
- G.728的MATLAB实现,费老劲了才调通的。-G.728 of MATLAB to achieve, and we have to charge the old King
- This program is distributed under the GNU copyright, please see the accompanyingfile COPYING for details. Please note that only the changes to the original sourcecode are copyrighted under GNU, except for the the multiplexer portions, whichare also u
- G.729编解码源程序 标准模板 可以被工程开发者用来修改 也可以被学生拿来进行修改-G.729 codec source standard template can be used to modify the project developer can also be used to modify student
- The files in this directory comprise ANSI-C language reference implementations of the CCITT (International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee) G.711, G.721 and G.723 voice compressions. They have been tested on Sun SPARCstations and
- Very simple utility to capture frames from V4L2. Requires V4L2 and GTK libraries to compile.
- gui 界面实现语音信号简单分析,简单易懂,看了肯定明白-gui interface simple voice signal analysis, easy-to-read, read certainly understand
- G.729音频压缩、解压缩到Matlab程序。使用方法详见readme文档。-Descr iption Most of G.729 source code is written in C.But this one is written in matlab. follow these steps to use it: 1.To coder a speech(ensure it as a row vector variable in matlab),simply type
- 这个包实现了ITU - T的G.723.1语音编码器和解码器在Matlab。该方案的目标是提供一个良好的记录和模块化设计方案,实验和研究,以方便使用为基础的实际编码器。 编码器实现了G.723.1的多脉冲模式(在6.3 kb / s的运行)。解码器可以解码的5.3 kb / s的,在6.3 kb的多脉冲/秒,连续传输,数据包丢失隐藏)编码器(所有的ACELP方式。 该编码器和解码器之间的标准接口是位文件(同位文件由ITU - T参考代码产生兼容)。第二
- 8-32 kbit/s语音和视频的结构误差不稳定窄带和宽带嵌入式变数率编码-The G.718 encoder can accept wideband sampled signals at 16 kHz, or narrowband signals sampled at either 16 or 8 kHz. Similarly, the decoder output can be 16 kHz wideband, in addition to 16 or 8 kHz narrowband. I
- G.729的coder和decoder,即编码和解码的matlab原代码,对学习G.729标准有很好的参考价值- The G.729 coder and decoder, ie, encoding and decoding matlab source code, to learn G.729 standard has a good refere