- Matlab编写的SPIHT 也叫层树分集压缩算法 本算法目前适合处理8*8的矩阵 <由于时间关系 本算法还不能对大的图像进行操作 但是主要的思想算法都在 只要稍做修改即可>希望对大家会有帮助 -Matlab prepared SPIHT also called tree diversity layer compression algorithm suitable for the processing algorithm currently 8 * 8 the Matri
- Summary: The MPEG converter takes a MATLAB movie matrix and writes the movie to disk as an MPEG file. MATLAB Release: R12 Descr iption: MPEG is an ISO standard movie encoding format. The MPEG converter for MATLAB takes a MATLAB movie matrix a
- 实现正弦编解码(Sinusoidal coding)的matlab程序 sinusoidal_analysis.m文件定义了函数[A, F, P, fs] = sinusoidal_analysis(filename, framelen, frameshiftlen),将*.wav音频文件提取出A, F, P这3个参数矩阵。 sinusoidal_synthesis.m文件定义了函数syspeech = sinusoidal_synthesis(A, F, P, fs, framelen
- dvb-s2 error control coding -dvb-s2 code matrix and a ref-test fig
- the function implements the DCT transform, using a matrix operator. note that matlab has a function for the DCT and iDCT transforms that might be more efficient.
- allan FOG output error variance analysis, cordic matlab simulation algorithm, A one-dimensional transfer matrix method to calculate the phonon crystal structure.