- This an 8-puzzle solver. You input the current state of your annoying little 8 puzzle and it ll use the Hillclimbing Algorithm to calculate a list of moves which you can use to solve the puzzle. It is written in C++ with an interactive text mode base
- The "media flow" (media_flow.h) is the top level concept that organizes the processing activities of mp4live. A media flow is a collection of media nodes (media_node.h), with forwarding rules between the nodes. Each media node is a thread within the
- omnetpp very basic senerio, two nodes communicating.
- 我们在luvcview这个项目的基础上进行了修改,使之能够在s3c6410平台上运行,采用了6410特有的硬件空间色彩转换和图像缩放功能,也就是 post processor功能。 3 另外需要说一下我们修改后的luvcview可以运行在PC Linux平台和s3c6410平台,源码里面有两个makefile文件,一个针对嵌入式版本一个针对PC Linux版本, 嵌入式版本里面分硬件实现YUV to RGB和软件实现 YUV to RGB ,缺省配置是硬件实现YUV to