- 相当强大的代码,能够从kinect采集的数据中学习出人的头部姿势-Very powerful code, the data collected from the kinect to learn a person' s head position
- 头部姿势估计的程序,利用鼻尖确定头部的方向,进而确定姿势,采用随机回归森林算法。-Head pose estimation procedures, the use of nose to determine the direction of the head, and to determine the position, using the random forest regression algorithm.
- 近年來,受到Skype、MSN等紅透半邊天的影響,VoIP網路電話似乎成了企業組織甚至個人用戶節省電話費的最高指導原則。傳統電話技術早已成熟且品質穩定,為何異軍突起的VoIP會對傳統電話服務業者造成威脅?到底VoIP的優勢在哪裡,為什麼能夠達到節費的效益?本文將一一探討VoIP網路技術的基本概念、運用方式以及相關應用。-In recent years, by Skype, MSN, soar, VoIP phone seems to be the highest guiding principl
- Here is the face detection code of my FYP in BS. Face Detection and recognition processes heavily depends o how well the image is compensated for pose and illumination variations. Illumination variation due to light source at absolute position and in