- TAudioIO provides a drop component for doing modifying Audio I/O on the fly. Two sound components TAudioIn, and TAudioOut are provided.
- 本例可以对声音文件进行一般的处理的,如录制,播放,查找和存储。(fister)-This Example for Editing Wave file, like record sund, play wave, search sound and save to disk.
matlab Record 利用matlab编写的录音函数
- 利用matlab编写的录音函数,并画出录入声音波形。-Use of matlab recording function, and draw the recorded sound waveform
- vc++开发的录音程序源码,保存为WAV格式-vc++ to develop procedures for the recording source, save it as a WAV format
- linux下的可以采集声音和播放声音的程序,运用c语言编写,主要采用了read和write两个函数-sound and play a sound program can be collected under linux using c language, mainly using the read and write two functions
- Create a sound recorder that record sound from an input device and can play sound files using MCI (Media Control Interface)
- 简单的媒体控件引用,可以录制和播放wav格式文件。其中的创新点是,含有资源文件进行二进制读取并写成基本的音频文件,再利用进行录音。-Simple media controls reference, you can record and play wav files. One innovation is that the binary file containing resources to read and write basic audio files, re-use of sound rec
- Manauton是一個手工的自治的錄音機。在自治格式中,它可以啟動和停止基於聲音指數的錄製-Manauton is a sound recording program that can overcome the lag associated with hearing a sound and determining whether that sound is worth recording. It can also record autonomously, based on sound chara
- This example demonstrates how to use the various Symbian OS audio utility classes. These provide services for playing and recording sounds. The classes are: CMdaAudioToneUtility - Used to play simple sine tones of specified frequency and duratio
- 软件名: 语音聊天录音软件 想知道他/她在网上和别人语音聊过什么吗? 语音聊天录音软件是一款电脑自动录音软件,该监控软件能够自动记录所有QQ语音聊天、新浪UC语音聊天 、skype语音聊天及在线聊天室聊天等所有语音聊天内容。该软件也可以记录所有的环境声音,把软件装 在家里的电脑上后,就像在家里装上了一个监听器,所有电脑附近发出的声音都能够被完全地记录下来, 包括打电话的聊天内容等所有声音。-Software name: voice chat recording software woul
- Program for sound record.
- 该程序能够直接将将录制的声音转换成MP3文件,具有操作简单方便的优点。详细的实现请参考源码。-The program will be able to record sound directly into MP3 files, with the advantages of simple operation. Detailed implementation please refer to source code.
- 本程序是自己写的包括,文本的网络传输以及语音的麦克风录制及其声音回放。-This program is written in, including their own, the text of the network transmission, as well as a microphone to record voice and sound playback.
- 该程序能够直接将将录制的声音转换成MP3文件,具有操作简单方便的优点。详细的实现请参考源码。 -The program will be able to record sound directly into MP3 files, with the advantages of simple operation. Detailed implementation please refer to source code.
- (1) 通过TCP协议与服务器通信 (2) 采用UDP组播与分机通信 (3) Window系统声卡数据的读写等操作 (4) 数据库技术,用来记录请求记录以及历史记录查询 (5) INI文件操作,用来记录系统基本信息 (6) 使用帮助文档让用户更加理解如何操作 (7) 其他相关技术如美化界面,收到请求后图标闪烁等 -(1) communicate with the server through the TCP protocol (2) using UDP multica
- 基于 C6711 ADC实现的音效程序,采用C语言实现-Implemented based on sound C6711 ADC program, using C language
- Sound record wave format delphi
- vc mfc 写的三个录音程序 绝对可用 录音 播放 重播 快速播放 和停止播放-VC++ sound record and play
- 经测试绝对可用.压缩包中包含了三个工程,三个都可以使用。VC6.0 mfc编程, 实现的录音/播放/快速播放/重播的功能。-vc6.0 mfc sound record and play release The test is absolutely free. Tarball contains three projects, three can be used. VC6.0 mfc programming, recording / playback / fast play / replay
- linux 录音、放音源码 linux 录音、放音源码-linux record.c play.c linux record.c play.c