- Run the ROI file by issuing the command ROI in the command window and a GUI screen will pop up, the screen may be used for selecting a Region of interest while viewing the full length movie and adjusting the region of interest accordingly, after hitt
- 这是我认为最完美的vb.net2008对USB摄像头编程的例子。里面有抓拍图,录像,还有ROI区域设置等高级功能。在XP下完美运行。在WIN7下,高清的摄像头不行。普通的清的可以。应该是摄像头本身的驱动问题。用的是 aviCAP32.dll编程方法。DevComponents.DotNetBar2.dll是一个商业控件。如果过期了,就不用吧。不用也可以正常运行的。 This is a very good Code sample for programing webcam, using avi