- 现在网上有许多三维条形码的工具,包括QRCode码的工具。但是,很多都是生成码的软件,没有解析码的软件,小弟不才近日做了一个,解析QRCode三维条形码的软件和大家分享一下。 我这个代码 解析的库不仅在 pc上能够运行, 而且 在windows mobile 下的 ppc 和 smartphone平台下都可以运行,当然不是用这个库,如果你要可以问我拿。-now many online 3D bar code tools, including tools QRCode yards. However
- 要用QQ2006 1.经过笔者分析,腾讯QQ的截图功能,组件名称为:CameraDll.dll,位于QQ安装目录的TMDLLS文件夹中 2.点中此文件,将其复制到系统盘(如C盘)Windows\System32文件夹下,之后再开始菜单中的运行框输入如下命令: rundll32.exe CameraDll.dll,CameraSubArea 点击回车,即可将此组件集成到系统文件之中 3.之后在桌面空白处,单击鼠标右键,选择新建中的新建快捷方式选项,扔输入相同命令,点
- tinyAVI is a Python program for Linux and Windows that will convert video files in various formats to a format handled by some portable devices like pocket multimedia players. The program is very easy to use (I actually wrote it for my 10-year daught
- I can invoke StillCap.exe using Process.Start(fullPathToQuickCamExe) without problem. However, our customer want a default name when the user tries to save a new snap shot. The default name would be in the following format: Last Name + Middle N