- 六轴陀螺仪+六轴加速度传感器MPU6050单片机C51测试代码-The six-axis gyroscope the the+ six-axis accelerometer MPU6050 C51 microcontroller test code
stm32 mpu6050
- stm32 mpu6050 模拟iic,读出三轴陀螺仪和加速度计的六轴数据
- 六轴飞控源程序可以编译,捷联式惯性导航,四元素,欧拉角,stm32(Six axis flight control source can be compiled, strapdown inertial navigation, four elements, Euler angle, stm32)
- 基于cortex-m内核的mpu6050六轴传感器实验(Experiment of mpu6050 six axis sensor based on Cortex-M kernel)
- 利用六轴传感器的原始数据进行姿态解算,得出物体的姿态。(The attitude of the object is obtained by using the original data of the six-axis sensor.)
- 6轴实验,STM32平台 使用keil5 开发。(The 6 axis experiment, the STM32 platform, is developed using keil5.)
STM32 MPU6050六轴传感器实验
- STM32 MPU6050六轴传感器实验(STM32 MPU6050 six axis sensor experiment)
- 六轴机械臂运动学源码,个人还是初学者,如有错误,勿喷(Six axis manipulator kinematics source, individual or beginner, if wrong, don't spray)
7 BLE-六轴传感器-基于mpu6050-运动追踪实践
- 使用蓝牙4.0BLE模块cc2541芯片设计开发六轴传感器,用于运动追踪实践(Using Bluetooth 4.0BLE module cc2541 chip to design and develop six axis sensor for motion tracking practice)
- STM32的kili工程,MPU6050六轴传感器,绝对好用(MPU6050 six axis sensor)
实验32 MPU6050六轴传感器实验
- 传递俯仰角,滚转角,偏航角三轴数据数据到串口1(transform 3 dimetion data to com1)
- Ardiono PID六轴和I2C通讯的库文件(The library file of the Ardiono PID six axis and I2C communication)
实验32 MPU6050六轴传感器实验
- 通过MPU6050六轴传感器实验中的陀螺仪功能进行三维的数值读取(Three-dimensional numerical reading through the function of the gyroscope in the experiment of the MPU6050 six axis sensor)
- ATK-MPU6050 六轴传感器模块(ATK-MPU6050 six axis sensor module)
实验32 MPU6050六轴传感器实验
- 使用STM32F4来驱动MPU6050,读取其原始数据,并利用其自带的DMP实现姿态解算,结合匿名四轴上位机软件和LCD显示(Using STM32F4 to drive MPU6050, read its original data, and use its own DMP to realize attitude calculation, combined with anonymous four axis PC software and LCD display)
- 实验器材: 探索者STM32F4开发板 实验目的: 学习MPU6050 六轴传感器(三轴加速度+三轴陀螺仪)的使用. 硬件资源: 1,DS0(连接在PF9) 2,串口1(波特率:115200,PA9/PA10连接在板载USB转串口芯片CH340上面) 3,ALIENTEK 2.8/3.5/4.3/7寸TFTLCD模块(通过FSMC驱动,FSMC_NE4接LCD片选/A6接RS) 4,KEY0按键(连接在PE4) 5,MPU6050传感器(连接在PB8(
实验32 MPU6050六轴传感器实验
- mpu6050实验例程,学习MPU6050六轴姿态(Mpu6050 experimental routine, learning the attitude of the six axis of the MPU6050)
- MPU6050传感器的六轴姿态解算算法代码(Six-Axis Attitude Solution Algorithmic Code for MPU6050 Sensor)
000 32控制器代码
- 控制六轴机械臂代码,单片机是STM32,语言是最简单的C语言(Control code of six-axis manipulator)
- 基于STM32F103的MPU6050六轴陀螺仪传感器实验。可在LCD上显示MPU6050的数据,可在匿名四轴上位机上显示传感器的飞控状态。(The sensor experiment of MPU 6050 six-axis gyroscope based on STM32F103. The data of MPU6050 can be displayed on LCD, and the flight control status of the sensor can be displayed