- 嵌入式文件系统ucfs.zip This project should serve as an \"easy start\" with /FS. All paths are relative to the project file. You should therefore be able to copy the entire directory (including all subdirectories) to any location on your harddrive.
Nios II处理器中文参考手册
- nios2软件开发手册中文版第8章_MicroC_OSII_tutorial,翻译的不错值得一看-nios2 software development manuals Chinese version of Chapter 8 _MicroC_OSII_tutori al translation of a true eye-catcher
- a3load is 8051 firmware that can be used for uploading or downloading to EZ-USB RAM (internal or external). It implements the vendor specific command bRequest = 0xA3. The address to download/upload to/from is specified in the wValue field of t
- 单片机的LED和时钟程序的BIN和HEX烧写代码,希望对大家有益-SCM LED clock and procedures BIN burning and HEX code, we hope to benefit
- JPEG is used for visual telephone and digital camera.-JPEG is used for visual digit telephone and al camera.
- 8253的初始化程序举例: 例1:选择2号计数器,工作在3方式,计数初值为533H(2个字节),采用二进制计数。其初始化程序段为 MOV DX,307H ;命令口 MOV AL,10110110B ;2号计数器的初始化命 令字 OUT DX,AL ;写入命令寄存器 MOV DX,306H ;2号计数器数据口 MOV AX,533H ;计数初值 OUT DX,AL ;选送低字节到2号计数器 MOV AL,AH ;取高字节送AL OUT DX,AL
- canpie 一个can bus的协议栈 - CAN interface for embedded control - CAN interface for PC (without local processor) - CAN interface for PC (with local processor) -canpie a bus can the protocol stack-CAN interface for em bedded control-CAN int
- ra8835汇编源代码,大家参考 ra8835汇编源代码,大家参考
- altera pci license al tera pci license
- 发布原创的ANSYS焊接耦合分析算例 高斯热源,移动用apdl实现。材料sic和al合金。材料数据应该有点商榷,所以冷却时间有点长了。
- 在缓冲区marklist中存放了10名同学的分数成绩,将其转换为相应的等级成绩,存入缓冲区gradelist中。转换过程采用子程序实现。 转换规则为: >=90:A >=80且<90:B >=60且<80:C <60:D 不用考虑边界情况,即假设输入的分数成绩都在0-100分中间。 数据段定义如下: data segment marklist db 92,82,72,52,90,80,60,30,99,88 gr
- 嵌入式C编程与Atmel AVR 美 Richard Barnett等著 清华 周俊杰 等译-Embedded C Programming and Atmel AVR waiting for the United States and Richard Barnett Qinghua Zhou Junjie, et al
- el archivo guide2.m es un programa q permite grabar una señ al de voz d 4s y analizarla con distintos tipos de factor de escala y nos muestra los parametros
- simulation of a simplified version of a synfire chain in a cortical network, inspired by the ideas of Abeles (1982, 1991), Bienenstock (1995), and Diesmann et al. (1999).
- This document details the API for OpenMAX Application Layer (AL) 1.0. Developed as an open standard by the Khronos Group, OpenMAX AL™ is an application-level multimedia playback and recording API for mobile embedded devices. It provides a device
- K型热电偶数字转换器MAX6675及其在铝水平温度测量仪中的应用-K-type thermocouple digital converter MAX6675 and its level in the Al temperature measurement Instrument
- New BIOS version 1.31 for Digitech Pro device and al needed .h and .lib files
- 可控电子时钟,闹钟,马表,并且通过LCD显示。-Controlled electronic clock, alarm clock, stopwatch, and through LCD display.
- stk-184 for sunplus dvd firmware logo remote vfd maker [dvdrom.zip] - Binaty File FIRMWARE for CAR DVD SUNPLUS SPHE8202D SERVO HI1SW6-SLT-826C (hitachi) ROM SIZE 2MB Version 210-00A For AL-7002
- This document specifies EAP-IKEv2, an Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) method that is based on the Internet Key Exchange (IKEv2) protocol. EAP-IKEv2 provides mutual authentication and session key establishment between an EAP peer and an