- 基于ucgui的打飞机程序 通过扫描按键控制我机移动(只有4个按键,我们就设置了前后左右4个方向按键,子弹设为自动发射) 敌机移动通过rand函数产生(设敌机最大数为ENEMYMAXNUM,只要低于这数,每次循环就产生敌机否则不生成敌机.敌机只会在Y轴移动,如果敌机与我机相撞,,则发生爆炸) 敌机子弹生成与移动(每架敌机子弹数最多为BULLETMAXNUM,低于这个值,每个循环都会在飞机正前方产生一颗子弹,在Y轴方向移动SPEED.Y.如果子弹碰到我机,则发生爆炸,LIFE减
- 使用dsp仿真工具ccs仿真弹孔图像的识别,射击一次完毕后可以识别靶图上有否新的弹孔。-The use of simulation tools dsp simulation ccs bullet image recognition, after shooting the first target chart to identify whether there are any new bullet hole.
- 在5509上实现的DMA图像传输及弹孔检测功能源码,C编写-DMA implemented on the 5509 image transmission and a bullet hole detection source, C preparation
- This a piece I wrote that I used for an old project. This allows an enemy to create a spiral bullet formation.-This is a piece I wrote that I used for an old project. This allows an enemy to create a spiral bullet formation.
- This a piece I wrote that I used for an old project. This allows an enemy to create a spiral bullet formation.-This is a piece I wrote that I used for an old project. This allows an enemy to create a spiral bullet formation.
- 这是一个客户定做的玩具枪子弹测速程序,能过对两个高速感应器的检测,要测试子弹的动能是否在标准内.-This is a custom-designed program of toy gun bullet, able to live for two high-speed sensors to detect, to test the bullet s kinetic energy is within the standards.
- 这个是应用HX711和单片机M051做的,子弹称重计数程序源代码,很实用!-This is a application using hx711 and mcu M051 to count the number of bullet!