- F:\国嵌\第2阶段(应用程序设计)\第一天(文件编程)-F: \ State embedded \ Stage 2 (application design) \ the first day (file programming)
- The "1818" is my first search word in this website, So I upload Lcd drive(Ssd1818a) C language code as my support. 96*64 dot matrix Graphic LCD controller: SSD1818A Parallel interface Initial routine code Command write and Data write
- uc/os-ii随书源代码,first time, thanks-uc/os-ii with the book source code, first time, thanks
- Descr iption The MUSIC algorithm, proposed by Schmidt, first estimates a basis for the noise subspace and then determines the peaks the associated angles provide the DOA estimates. The MATLAB code for the MUSIC algorithm is sampled by creating an
- AVR ATmega48 SPI最簡單測試碼! 透過spi_data[x]陣列寫入想要傳送的資料, 而x則是控制傳送第x筆數,而接腳輸出則在PortB的預設接腳內,只要修改spi_data就可以透過示波器看到SPI的信號了!-AVR ATmega48 SPI test the most simple code! Through spi_data [x] array you want to send the information to write, and x is the contro
- mini2440非操作系統下的測試源碼,包括對板上所有硬體,介面,記憶體...的測試源碼.例cmos攝像頭等,都包含在內.-mini2440 test under non-operating system source code, including all on-board hardware, interface, memory test source .... Example cmos camera in first class, are included.
- verilog 初学者原代码,万事开头难,CPLD也如此,第一个成功的代码测试往往后续学习的信心。需要的朋友请进-beginners verilog source code, everything is hard in the beginning, CPLD is also the case, the first successful test of the code is often the confidence of the follow-up study. Come friend in n
- My personal active appearance model code, first uploaded to sourceforge in 2007.
- 本代码设计的是一个通讯系统软件无线电中变换比为5/4的分数倍抽取器,用Verilog编程首先实现4倍内插,再实现5倍抽取。-The code design is a software-defined radio communication system in transformation ratio 5/4 points times the extractor, using Verilog programming the first to achieve four times the inter
- 数字密码锁的设计与实现 一.实验目的 1. 学习VHDL的综合设计应用 2. 学习数字密码锁的设计 二.实验内容 设计一个数字密码锁,对其编译,仿真,下载。 数字密码锁具体要求如下: 1.系统具有预置的初始密码“00000001”。 2.输入密码与预存密码相同时,开锁成功,显示绿灯,否则开锁失败,显示红灯。 3.具有修改密码功能。修改密码时,先开锁,开锁成功才可以修改。 4.系统同时具有关锁功能。关锁后,显示红灯。 5.密码由拔码开关表
- andriod开发学习演示代码,适合初次初次接触andriod人员的学习-andriod study demonstrates the development code, first initial contact for staff learning andriod
- New in 1v2 Updated with the actual files to support the internet demo -) Support for SSD1297 LCDs. These are found in a number of touch LCD players, including the first version of the Sylvania player. They are marked "SSD1297". Define SSD1297
- The DVI Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM) algorithm was first described in an IMA recommendation on audio formats and conversion practices [1]. ADPCM is a transformation that encodes 16-bit audio as 4 bits (a 4:1 compression ratio).
- HYINTECH 手持机 wince 下条码扫描头程序源码-wince the first program source code under the bar code scanner
- 温度是一个基本的物理量,自然界中的一切过程无不与温度密切相关。温度传感器是最早开发,应用最广的一类传感器。温度传感器的市场份额大大超过了其他的传感器。从17世纪初人们开始利用温度进行测量-Temperature is a fundamental physical quantity, nature and temperature of all the processes are all closely related. Temperature sensor is the first develop
- bf561 mini project code
- 本文件夹包含了16个VHDL 编程实例,仅供读者编程时学习参考。 一、四位可预置75MHz -BCD码(加/减)计数显示器(ADD-SUB)。 二、指示灯循环显示器(LED-CIRCLE) 三、七人表决器vote7 四、格雷码变换器graytobin 五、1位BCD码加法器bcdadder 六、四位全加器adder4 七、英语字母显示电路 alpher 八、74LS160计数器74ls160 九、可变步长加减计数器 multicount 十、可
- 语言:VHDL 功能:该PN4序列的特点为将一个4位序列的前两位取异或,再让序列左移一位,用异或的结果作为序列的最后一位。序列周期是15,即15位伪随机序列。其中包括序列的产生模块和检测模块。对于误码检测,首先捕获相位。然后,规定测试的码的总个数,统计这些码中有多少个不能满足PN序列特点的,用计数器统计个数。如果发现误码过多,可能是相位失调,重新捕获相位,再进行误码检测。 仿真工具:modelsim 综合工具:quartus -Language: VHDL function:
- VC++MFC模拟连续分配内存存储管理系统,首次适应算法 、循环首次适应算法、最佳适应算法 -VC++ MFC allocates memory for continuous analog storage management system, the first fit algorithm, loop the first fit algorithm, the best fit algorithm
- arm based code for blinking a led blinky.c