- 替代加密: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W 密文 Y Z D M R N H X J L I O Q U W A C B E G F K P 明文 X Y Z T S V I HAVE A DREAM!# 密文?? 用ARM编程实现替代加密。
- 我学习的单片机入门教程电子书,初学者梦寐以求的-I learned Tutorial microcontroller e-books, beginners dream
- 如何破解PocketPC软件。这是一篇介绍ARM CPU 汇编破解。或者就是你梦寐以求的哦。-How to crack software PocketPC. This is a compilation of ARM CPU crack introduced. Or is your dream Oh.
- 流星划过我的心好难过,你给我留下的只剩下脆弱,没你的消息很久了,是否你也会想起我。 不知为什么开始流泪了,我越想越痛越难过,为你哭到这种地步啊,可想我是爱你那么多。 如果你会不经意的想起我,心里会不会难过,当眼泪忍不住的时候,试着用微笑带过,如 果今生我们不能在一起,就让来生在相聚。穿上我送给你的毛衣,下辈子我还爱你。 -A blazing meteor has vanished over the western horizon. ... It is not for us to
- 用Verilog HDL编写的16*2液晶显示one world,one dream。压缩包中包括所有文件,使用的芯片为EP2C5T144,经过最后下载测试的。-Verilog HDL prepared with 16* 2 LCD display one world, one dream. Compression package, including all documents, use the chips for EP2C5T144, download final test.
- Linux 2.6.9 内核移植patch,可将内核移植到IBM STB25xx 平台-Linux 2.6.9 kernel patch for IBM STB25xx SOC
- c52波形发射器,可产生三角波,方波,正弦波,锯齿波,频率,幅值可调-c52 wave transmitter, can produce triangle wave, square wave, sine wave, sawtooth wave, frequency, amplitude adjustable
- 第一章、为什么工程师要掌握FPGA开发知识? 5 第二章、FPGA基本知识与发展趋势 7 2.1 FPGA结构和工作原理 7 2.1.1 梦想成就伟业 7 2.1.2 FPGA结构 8 2.1.3 软核、硬核以及固核的概念 15 2.1.4 从可编程器件发展看FPGA未来趋势 15 第-The first chapter, why engineers should master the knowledge of FPGA development? 5, Chapter
- 对学习12864的人来说这是天上掉馅饼啊!很全很实用的资料,不信你下下看,我不骗你啊。-12864 people in learning, this is a dream come true ah! Are all very useful information, do not believe you look under the next, I do not lie to you ah.
- 通过MFC界面控制STC5412AD单片机实现对圆梦小车的控制,功能包括,走轨迹,走迷宫数据采集,小车的前进后退左转右转-Interface control by MFC on Dream Car STC5412AD MCU control functions include, walking track, Maze data collection, the car' s forward and back Zuozhuanyouzhuan
- 大家相互学习、相互帮助,希望大家都能得到自己想要的东西。-have a good dream
- PROtel是用于单片机开发过程中的好工具,此文章是一英文官方版 要想彻底弄懂PROTEL可参考 朋友们用他实现自己的梦想 是我欣慰的事-PROtel microcontroller development process for a good tool, this article is an official version in English can refer to in order to completely understand PROTEL friends with him to
- 这是我自己曾经比赛用过的一个简单的智能小车程序,光电检测的-This is my own race have used smart car a simple process, photoelectric detection
- 梦幻摇摇棒,可以送给女朋友,想干什么就干什么-move dream
- arm,s3c2410断程序的实现(原创) - 寻梦旅人 - 博客大巴-arm, s3c2410 off the program implementation (original)- Dream Traveler- blog bus
- MCU 89S52 规划实施指南及时向境内销售的技能相对没空想当初vmjvxcdmjdvcmk-MCU 89S52 guide planning and implementation skills in a timely manner relative to the domestic sales did not dream vmjvxcdmjdvcmk
- 8位数码管动态扫描显示实验(显示不用库函数) *显示用指针直接访问GPIO端口的输出寄存器,形式GPIOD->ODR *延时delay_nms(5)时,显示不闪烁 *74HC138 A--P2.2--PE.0 B--P2.3--PE.1 C--P2.4--PE.2 *74HC573 D0~D7---PD[0..7] LE---PE.3 *by 追梦 2011-4-3-8-bit digital dynamic scan showed that the experimen
- WWDG+LCD1602秒表实验;* WWDG + LCD1602 秒表实验 *两个按键中断方式控制,计时精确到10ms *key1--Start/Stop---PA8(板子上User键) key2---Clear---PC13(板子上Tamper键) *LCD1602接线:D0~D7--->PD[0..7] RS->PE0 RW->PE1 E->PE2(外部接上拉电阻到5V) *by 追梦 2011-4-8 *change by:追梦 2011-
- 用C语言实现的弹钢琴源码,用你的keyboard实现钢琴梦想,很强大:)-Implemented in C language source code to play the piano, piano with your keyboard to achieve a dream, very powerful:)
- 它是一个可以记录用户键盘操作的间谍软件。黑客可利用此软件记录用户输入的信息。此软件和病毒完全不同,是正规软件,目前大概有两类软件。一类是模仿操作,用途是做重复操作 按键精灵就是其中之一;还有一类是用于家庭监控的软件,如梦真工作室开发的键盘屏幕全记录。-The virus is completely different from a regular software, currently there are about two types of software. A class is to