- This project is created using the Keil ARM CA Compiler. The Logic Analyzer built into the simulator may be used to monitor and display any variable or peripheral I/O register. It is already configured to show the PWM output signal on PORT3.0 an
- uC/OS-II Notes from Nohau Corporation The code associated with this readme.txt file is provided \"as is\". The code was written with the intention of creating a functional RTOS demo for the Nohau evaluation boards that can run a MicroBlaze
- 替代加密: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W 密文 Y Z D M R N H X J L I O Q U W A C B E G F K P 明文 X Y Z T S V I HAVE A DREAM!# 密文?? 用ARM编程实现替代加密。
- iar jlink v7 sch pcb binary
- Adaptive equalization教程-Adaptive equalizers compensate for signal distortion attributed to intersymbol interference (ISI), which is caused by multipath within time-dispersive channels. Typically employed in high-speed communication
- while(1) {//if(keyenable==1){P1=0x00 P2=0xff }else{P1=0xff P2=0x00 } for(i=3 i<SNAKE+1 i++)x[i]=100 for(i=3 i<SNAKE+1 i++)y[i]=100 //初始化 x[0]=4 y[0]=4 //果子 n=3 //蛇长 n=-1 x[1]=1 y[1]=0 //蛇头 x[2]=0 y[2]=0 //蛇尾1 addx=
- 基于ucos-II操作系统在51单片机上的移植-E m b e d d e d R e a l- t i m e O p e r a t i o n S y s t e m C/O S- I I f o r 5 1 M C U
- void OUT_DATA(unsigned char NEW_DATA) /*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** */ void lcd_delay_us(unsigned char us) // 延时微秒@12M,ms最大值255 void lcd_delay_ms(unsigned int ms) // 延时毫秒@12M,ms最大值255 // 产生一个使能脉冲 void lcd_e_toggle
- 设x(n) = x1(n) + x2(n),x1(n)是窄带信号,定义为x1(n) = sin(0.05πn +φ),φ是在[0, 2π)区间上均匀分布的随机相位。x2(n)是宽带信号,它由一个零均值、方差为1的白噪声信号e(n)激励一个线性滤波器而产生,其差分方程为x2(n) = e(n) + 2e(n-1) + e(n-2)。 (1)计算x1(n)和x2(n)各自的自相关函数,并画出其函数图形。据此选择合适的延时,以实现谱线增强。 (2)产生一个x(n)序列。选择合适的μ
- 51单片机与74hc595显示并加有单片机下载时冷启动功能。-i t i s v e r y g o o d
- dsp stm320c54x: 利用并行指令编写计算z=x+y 和 f=d+e的程序。书本上的源码。- dsp stm320c54x: the use of parallel instruction computing write z = x+ y and f = d+ e program. Source books.
- License Key Generator for Mentor Modelsim Product