- 跳转在 FPGA 上实现H.264/AVC 视频编码标准-Jump on FPGA achieve H.264/AVC Video Coding Standard
- 上传源码文件为配合SeedVPM642板视频开发,从合众达公司购买的最新的源码库 除源码外,均配有使用说明,我已经搜索过,贵站应该没有相同的代码 在源码最后,上载了H.264标准白皮书 编译环境为CCS index 1.边缘检测程序(new) 2.运动检测程序 3.PC_VPM642 双向通信例程(TCPIP) 4.SEEDVPM642_loop(同步) 5.SEEDVPM642_loop3G2_图象拼接 希望站长能够开通我的会员帐号,谢谢
- 最新h.264标准下的c语言源文件,能加载到DSP-Under the latest h.264 standard c language source files, can be loaded into the DSP
- Hi3510内部有一个ARM9的处理器,该产品一经推出就在市场引起很大的震动,虽然现阶段Hi3510在D1的处理方面还有些不成熟,但是由于是标准H.264的产品,相信在市场方面会逐步获得行业的认可-Hi3510 internal an ARM9 processor, the product, once introduced in the market created a big shock, although at this stage D1 of the processing in the H
- 在此提出了一種新穎的硬體結構 實時執行的自適應去塊效應 過濾過程中指定的H.264/AVC視頻編碼 標準。-In this paper,a novel hardware architecture for real-time implementation of the adaptive deblocking filtering process specified by the H.264/AVC video coding standard, is presented.The deb
- H.264/MPEG4-AVC is the latest video coding standard of the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) and the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG). H.264/MPEG4- AVC has recently become the most widely accepted video coding standard sinc
- H.264 is an open, licensed standard that supports the most efficient video compression techniques available today. Without compromising image quality, an H.264 encoder can reduce the size of a digital video file by more than 80 compared with the